New Student Orientation | Spring 2025 | American University of Sharjah

We are thrilled to welcome the newest members of the AUS community to Orientation Spring 2025.

Orientation for all new undergraduate students joining us in Spring 2025 will be held on campus, starting with a Welcome Session on Sunday, January 12 at 16:00.

To prepare, you will need to complete some important tasks as part of our pre-orientation via the online portal, which will open on Monday, January 6 at 12:00.

More details about how to register for orientation and login to the portal will be shared via email. 

Attending orientation is essential for all new AUS students to ensure they have the best possible start to university life making your participation mandatory.

We also invite your parents and family to join selected sessions to let them know what to expect over your first few months at AUS, and show them how they can best support you at this time.

This page is full of resources to help you get started as an AUSer and make sure you have the best start to your first semester. This page will be updated often, so please keep checking regularly for any schedule changes or important updates.

If you are joining AUS as a new graduate student, please visit​

What to expect

  • Required Tasks | Book placement tests and complete your file with support from the admissions team, plan your move to campus, read our health insurance requirements and fee payment guide, and apply for a student ID card.
  • Early Class Registration | Once you have finalized your admissions file, you will hear from your academic advisor about registering for your first semester of classes.
  • IT Training | A series of mandatory training sessions on AUS learning platforms will be hosted online throughout pre-orientation.
  • First Year Essentials | Get tips on how to succeed in your first year on our First Year Experience Podcast, attend information sessions with our admissions team.
  • RSVP for Social Events | We have a great line-up of on-campus social events and off-campus sight-seeing trips for new students at orientation. Make sure you RSVP to secure your spot!
  • Organize your move to campus | Complete the process for moving into the AUS Residential Halls if you plan to live on campus.
  • Be informed | Attend a series of information sessions for students and parents.
  • Meet your Peer Leader | Your Peer Leader will be your guide and mentor throughout orientation and beyond. 
  • Discover your campus | Familiarize yourself with our amazing campus and tour our facilities.
  • Get your class schedule | Receive your schedule of classes for your first semester at AUS.
  • Build your community | Get to know the Class of 2027 as you embark on your AUS journey together.
  • Get social | Connect with fellow AUSers and make new friends at social events hosted by the AUS Student Council.
  • Make yourself at home | For students moving into the Residential Halls on campus, we have a series of activities to welcome you to your new home and help you get settled.



We have events for everyone during orientation.

Your schedule may vary depending on where you will be living and what program you will be studying. Please read the schedule carefully to understand which events you need to attend.

Click View Schedule to expand the schedules.


Visit and refer to the checklist in your pre-orientation portal to complete all your required tasks.


  • All pre-orientation sessions will be delivered online via our dedicated online portal or AUS remote learning platforms.
  • Completing your application file is mandatory for enrollment. File completion meetings are booked online with Admissions staff to show the required documents as stated in your Admission Letter.
  • It is mandatory to book placement tests. Multiple online placement test sessions are scheduled for your convenience. It is recommended that you complete the required placement tests one month before the beginning of the semester to avoid delays in course registration.
  • Early class registration: Once you have finalized your admission file, you will hear from your academic advisor about registering for your first semester of classes during the pre-orientation week (January 6-9). This process will be conducted online.
  • All IT training is mandatory. We have scheduled multiple sessions of each of the training programs for you to take at your convenience. Please ensure you attend at least one session of each program in the schedule. 
  • Required tasks and First Year Essentials can be completed at any time throughout the pre-orientation period. 
  • Connect with your Peer Leader: Your assigned Peer Leader will reach out to you via email to schedule an online meeting or phone call to introduce themselves and give you an overview of what to expect during orientation week. Connect with your peer leaders from Monday to Thursday, January 6–9.
  • Applicants who complete their files will be contacted by their respective college/school during the pre-orientation week to register them for their first-semester courses. This process will be conducted online.



This schedule is for all new AUS undergraduate students. All orientation events will be held on campus.

This schedule is subject to change.

JANUARY 12-19 | View Schedule

Complete your file and book your and placement tests: 

Monday, January 13, from 14:30 to 16:30

Tuesday, January 14, from 15:00 to 16:30

Wednesday, January 15, from 9:00 to 17:00

Thursday, January 16, from 9:00 to 17:00

Sunday, January 12

IXO Orientation (for incoming exchange students to AUS)


Welcome Session for New Students and Parents | Main Auditorium, Main Building


Parents Information Session | Main Auditorium, Main Building


Resource Fair for Parents and Students | Rotunda, Main Building

Monday, January 13

Meeting up with Peer Leaders and Team Leaders in Colleges/School


Student Success Session | Main Building, Main Auditorium


Awareness of Community Policies and Social Media | Main Building, Main Auditorium


Lunch | Student Center


File Completion and Placement Test Appointments | For appointments check


Campus Tour


Tour of AUS Athletic Facilities | Sports Complex (Check with your Peer Leader)


Library Tour (every 30 minutes)


Social Event: AUS: The Challenge by Student Council | Rotunda, Main Building

Tuesday, January 14

Meeting up with Peer Leaders and Team Leaders in Colleges/School


Academic Policies Session followed by a Q &A Session | Main Auditorium, Main Building


College Orientation: Course Advising and Registration Session
College of Engineering I CEN Auditorium (ESB0037)
College of Arts and Sciences I Chemistry Building (CHM113)
College of Architecture, Art and Design I CAAD Building (AD1-102)
School of Business Administration I School of Business Building (SBA0002)
Undeclared Students, please check with the Academic Support Center I Main Building (Mezzanine Floor - M01)


Achievement Academy Bridge Program: Advising and Registration


File Completion and Placement Test Appointments | For appointments check


Campus Tour


Tour of AUS Athletic Facilities | Sports Complex


Library Tour (every 30 minutes)


Office of Student Experience Reception Dinner | AUS Winter Village (P6 Parking)

Wednesday, January 15

File Completion and Placement Test Appointments

Thursday, January 16

File Completion and Placement Test Appointments


Achievement Academy Bridge Program: Advising and Registration

Sunday, January 19

Sharjah Cultural Tour| Registration Required. Limited Seating



This schedule is only for students who will be living on campus in the student residential halls. 

This schedule is subject to change.

JANUARY 11-18 | View Schedule
Saturday, January 11

Residence Hall Check-in for New First Year Students

Sunday, January 12

Residence Hall Check-in for New First Year Students


Residential Halls Move-in Day


Meet and Greet - Student Residential Life Department | Parents and students in AB Women’s Residential Halls and KL Men’s Residential Halls

Monday, January 13

Resident Assistants meeting with their residents | AB Women’s Residential Halls and KL Men’s Residential Halls

Wednesday, January 15

Student Residential Life Department’s Hotline with Resident Assistants and Lunch Buffet | AB Women’s Residential Halls and KL Men’s Residential Halls


Student Residential Life Department’s University 101 Scavenger Hunt | AB Women’s Residential Halls and KL Men’s Residential Halls

Thursday, January 16

Student Residential Life Department’s Social Night | AB Women’s Residential Halls and KL Men’s Residential Halls

Friday, January 17

Student Residential Life Department’s International Student Chai and Chat | The Hub

Saturday, January 18

Student Residential Life Department’s Mall Trip to Dubai Festival City




As we kick off the first day of classes on Monday, January 20, we also bring you the Week of Welcome (WoW).

We've got a full week of activities planned to celebrate new beginnings with our new and continuing proud AUSers.

January 20-25 | View Schedule
Monday, January 20

Grab and Go Breakfast | AB Women and KL Men Residential Halls (for resident students only)


Escape Room | Library (meet in Level 1 Foyer)


My First Day Photobooth | Outside Student Center


Emirati Cultural Club | Student Center


Iraqi Cultural Club | Student Center


Lebanese Cultural Club | Student Center


Korean Cultural Club | Student Center


Uzbekistan Cultural Club | Student Center


Relax, Resource, Repeat | Hall A, Main Building


College of Engineering Clubs | Outside Student Center

Tuesday, January 21

Saudi Cultural Club | Student Center


Indian Cultural Club | Student Center


Omani Cultural Club | Student Center


Jordanian Cultural Club | Student Center


Indonisian Cultural Club | Student Center


Azerbaijan Cultural Club | Student Center


American Cultural Club | Student Center


Lowdown on AUS Lingo | Hall A, Main Building


College of Arts and Sciences Clubs | Student Center


Shajar Nursery Trip | Al Jada (Transportation will be provided)


Meet the Student Athletics and Recreation Department Team, Sports-Related Fun Games & Esports | Sports Complex

Wednesday, January 22

Russian Cultural Club | Student Center


Palestinian Cultural Club | Student Center


Pakistani Cultural Club | Student Center


Egyptian Cultural Club | Student Center


Brazilian Cultural Club | Student Center


Make the Most of Your AUS Experience Panel | Hall A, Main Building


Crazy Olympics | Achievement Academy Bridge Program, Third Floor, Main Building


Meet the Student Council | AUS Main Plaza


College of Architecture, Art and Design Clubs | Student Center Atrium


Fitness Hour: Move it, Shake it, Lift it | Table Tennis Room, Sports Complex


Welcome Back BBQ | East Gazebo


Where Creativity Sets the Course | Room 0037, Engineering & Sciences Building

Thursday, January 23

Chinese Cultural Club | Student Center


Sudanese Cultural Club | Student Center


Syrian Cultural Club | Student Center


Bangladeshi Cultural Club | Student Center


Welcome by Interest-Oriented Clubs | In front of the Student Center


Off-Campus Trip: Yalla Bowling at Al Zahia

Friday, January 24

Movie Night | AB Women's Residential Hall and KL Men's Residential Hall

Saturday, January 25

Games in the Hall | AB Women's Residential Hall and KL Men's Residential Hall

Accessing the Portal

Accessing our dedicated pre-orientation portal is quick and simple. Admitted students will receive details on how to register via email. 

Once you have registered for pre-orientation, we will send you your Orientation Welcome Pack!

The portal will open for pre-orientation at 12:00 on Monday, January 6. Students will need to log in using the login details received when they register. Once logged in, students can easily join scheduled training and information sessions and complete the mandatory pre-orientation tasks.

Need help?

Our technical support team will be available to help if you experience any technical issues trying to log in to the portal from 8:00 to 18:00, Monday through Thursday. 

Call or WhatsApp +971 6 515 4800 

Email [email protected] 

Registration and Your Class Schedule

Registering for courses in your first semester

The course registration process will be discussed in detail at the Academic Orientation with your college or school on Tuesday, January 14 from 11:00-14:00. This session is mandatory for all new students. If you miss this session, you must email your Associate Dean for further instructions.

Only students who have completed their academic file will be able to register for their first semester of courses. Your file is considered complete only when all the requirements mentioned in the admission letter have been received by the Admissions Office. Please refer to your admission letter and emails received from the Admissions Office to note and prepare all the missing documents.

If you have not yet completed your file, you can make an appointment to do so with an admissions officer.

Once your file is completed, you will be contacted by your college or school to be registered for the courses that you will be taking in your first semester at AUS. By the end of orientation week, you will receive your class schedule.

Click on the button below for a list of Registration FAQs to help you as you go through the course advising and registration process.

How to contact your Associate Dean

College of Architecture, Art and Design
Dr. Ahmed Mokhtar | Associate Dean, CAAD | [email protected]

College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Ahmad Al-Issa | Associate Dean, CAS | [email protected]

College of Engineering
Dr. Assim Sagahyroon | Associate Dean, CEN | [email protected]

School of Business Administration
Dr. Mohsen Saad | Associate Dean, SBA | [email protected]

Undeclared Majors
Rasha Tawfik | Director, ASC | [email protected]

Achievement Academy Bridge Program
Jessica March | Director, Achievement Academy | [email protected]

Getting to Campus

All orientation sessions will be held on campus, starting on January 12.

The AUS campus is located in University City in Sharjah. If you're coming to campus for the very first time, please read the information below about parking and transport options for students and visitors.

If you have any questions about health and safety on campus, please email [email protected].  


Transportation and bus schedules

AUS students can take advantage of the bus services that run between campus and various locations around Sharjah, from Dubai Metro stations and weekly to Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.

For the most recent information about our bus schedules and other important information, please click the button below.

​Parking and drop-off areas

Students should arrive on campus 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their orientation session. 

If you are driving or being dropped off at campus, please refer to the map linked below to become familiar with the designated car parking and drop-off areas. After leaving the vehicle, follow the signs to the building where the orientation event is taking place. Location details for each event will be shared with students prior to orientation.

Peer Leaders

Here to support you

One of the most important people you will meet at orientation is your Peer Leader

Peer Leaders are AUS students who are committed to supporting you as you transition to university life.

Your Peer Leader will welcome you at orientation, and assist and guide you throughout the week and beyond. They will also help you to discover all of the resources, activities and organizations available to you as an AUS student.  

Drop in at One Stop During Orientation

The AUS Solution Center, a one-stop shop for all your AUS service needs, will be open throughout orientation to ensure you have the resources and support you need to achieve your goals at AUS. 

Whether you want to learn more about residential life or apply for a financial grant or scholarship, the friendly team at the solution center can answer your questions, help fill out forms, and much more. In addition to the team being on hand to answer questions, iPads are available so that students can complete administrative tasks with the assistance of our solution center team members.

During orientation, students and parents may drop in to the AUS Solution Center without an appointment between the following times:


  • Sunday, January 12  | Meet the One Stop team from the welcome session onwards
  • Monday, January 13 to Thursday, January 16 | 8:00 to 17:00


The AUS Solution Center is located on the mezzanine level of the AUS Main Building (M03B).

Support Services and Resources

We know this is a brand-new experience for you, and you may be feeling anxious, worried or excited (or a mix of all three) about all the things you need to know and do as a first-year AUS student.

We are here to support you with everything you need to have a successful and prosperous university career. Whether you need IT support, want to learn some valuable study and time-management skills, or want to speak with a counselor, we have you covered.

Browse the information at the links below to see how we can support your needs.

Follow Us

FYE on Instagram

Follow @ausfye for regular updates, podcasts and news for first-year students. 

OSE on Instagram

Follow @aus_ose for updates from the Office of Student Experience and the AUS student community. 

AUS on Instagram

Follow @ausharjah for news and updates on the wider AUS community.

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