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College / Department
Teaching areas
Management Information Systems, Internet Business
Research areas
IT Management & Strategy, Smart Tourism, IT Service & Innovation, IT Outsourcing, E-Government, IT Audit
PhD, Management Information Systems, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States, 1995
MBA, Mba, University of Mississippi, United States, 1989
Bachelor, English Literature, Sogang University, South Korea, 1987
Professional experience
Professor, Marketing & Is, American University of Sharjah, 2015 - Present
Professor, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia, 2014 - 2015
Professor, Sogang University,, South Korea, 1997 - 2010
Full Time Lecturer, Dongkuk University,, South Korea, 1996 - 1997
+971 6 515 4693
Dr. Kichan Nam
PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States
Kichan Nam taught at Sogang University in Korea until 2010. His major research topics are Smart Tourism, IT outsourcing, e-business, IT service management, and e-government. His publications are found in major international journals such as MIS Quarterly, ISR, JMIS, CACM, DSS, IM and major IS journals in Korea. He was a Chairman of itSMF Korea, Chairman of the Korean IT Outsourcing Forum, and vice president of the Korean Society of MIS. He was the recipient of Brain Korea 21 award and was the principal investigator of the World Class University Project in Korea.
Kichan Nam, Jeffrey Baker And Chris Dutt. Does familiarity with the attraction matter? Antecedents of satisfaction with virtual reality for heritage tourism, Information Technology And Tourism, 27 September 2023
Jeffrey Baker, Kichan Nam And Chris Dutt. A user experience perspective on heritage tourism in the metaverse: Empirical evidence and design dilemmas for VR., Information Technology & Tourism (itt), 7 August 2023
Eunji Lee, Chul Woo Yoo, Jahyun Goo, Kichan Nam And Chulmo Koo. Is contact tracing for pandemic relief or privacy menace?: a Lens of dual-calculus decision, Information Systems Frontiers, 17 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2023
Kichan , Christopher Dutt And Jeffery . Authenticity in Objects and Activities: Determinants of Satisfaction with Virtual Reality Experiences of Heritage and Non-Heritage Tourism Sites, Information Systems Frontiers, 23 May 2022
Kichan Nam, Chris Dutt, Prakash Chathoth, Abdelkader Daghfous And M Sajid Khan. The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in the Hotel Industry: Prospects and Challenges (Date of Acceptance - 17 September 2020), Electronic Markets – The International Journal On Networked Business, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2020
Kichan Nam, Jeff Baker, Norita Ahmad And Jahyun Goo. Determinants of Writing Positive and Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Empirical Evidence for Two Types of Expectation Confirmation, Decision Support Systems, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2020
Kichan Nam, Christopher Dutt, Prakash Chathoth And Sajid Khan. Blockchain technology for smart city and smart tourism: latest trends and challenges, Asia Pacific Journal Of Tourism Research, 27 February 2019
Ao Cheng, Gang Ren, Taeho Hong, Kichan Nam And Chulmo Koo. An Exploratory Analysis of Travel-Related WeChat Mini Program Usage: Affordance Theory Perspective, 10 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2019
Kichan Nam, Jeffrey Baker, Norita Ahmad And Jahyun Goo. Dissatisfaction, Disconfirmation, and Distrust: An Empirical Examination of Value Co-Destruction Through Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM), Information Systems Frontiers, 2018
John D’arcy, Tejaswini Herath, Myung-seong Yim, Kichan Nam And H Rao. Employee Moral Disengagement in Response to Stressful Information Security Requirements: A Methodological Replication of a Coping-Based Model, Ais Transactions On Replication Research, 2018
Tejaswini Herath, Myung-seong Yim, John D'arcy, Kichan Nam And H. Rao. Examining employee security violations: moral disengagement and its environmental influences, Information Technology & People, 2018
Kichan Nam, Jeffrey Baker, Norita Ahmad And J. Goo. Determinants of Writing Positive and Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Empirical Evidence for Two Types of Expectation Disconfirmation, 2017
C. Huang, Jahyun Goo, Kichan Nam And Chul Yoo. Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation, Information And Management, 2017
Seung-hun Shin, Sung-byung Yang, Kichan Nam And Chulmo Koo. Conceptual foundations of a landmark personality scale based on a destination personality scale: Text mining of online reviews, Information Systems Frontiers, 2017
Sojung Kim, Teo, Thompson S. H., Anol Bhattacherjee And Kichan Nam. IS auditor characteristics, audit process variables, and IS audit satisfaction: An empirical study in South Korea, Information Systems Frontiers, 2017
Sajid Khan, Mina Woo, Kichan Nam And Prakash Chathoth. Smart city and smart tourism: A case of Dubai, Sustainability, 8 December 2017
Chul Yoo, Jahyun Goo, C. Huang, Kichan Nam And Mina Woo. Improving travel decision support satisfaction with smart tourism technologies: A framework of tourist elaboration likelihood and self-efficacy, Technological Forecasting And Social Change, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2017
Kichan Nam, Seung Oh, Sung Kim, Jahyun Goo And Sajid Khan. Dynamics of Enterprise Architecture in the Korean Public Sector: Transformational Change vs. Transactional Change, Sustainability, 2016
Namho Chung, Kichan Nam And Chulmo Koo. Examining information sharing in social networking communities: Applying theories of social capital and attachment, Telematics And Informatics, 2016
Seogjun Lee, Seung Oh And Kichan Nam. Transformational and Transactional Factors for the Successful Implementation of Enterprise Architecture in Public Sector, Sustainability, 9 May 2016
Chulmo Koo, Namho Chung And Kichan Nam. Assessing the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators on smart green IT device use: Reference group perspectives, International Journal Of Information Management, February 2015
Yong Kim, Jong Lee, Chulmo Koo And Kichan Nam. The role of governance effectiveness in explaining IT outsourcing performance, International Journal Of Information Management, 2013
Tejaswini Herath, Myung-seong Yim, John D’arcy, Kichan Nam And Hr Rao. Examining Employee Security Behavior: A Moral Disengagement Perspective”, 2011
Yong Kim, Jaeki Song, Jeffrey Baker And Kichan Nam. Exploring the Linkages between Firm Interactivity, Innovation, and Improved Business Performance., 2010
Yong Kim, Kichan Nam, Nam Lee And Myung Yim. The Effect of Interactivity between Knowledge Intensive Business service (KIBS) Firms and Customers on Innovations in KIBS Firms, 2010
Sang-gun Lee, Chulmo Koo And Kichan Nam. Cumulative strategic capability and performance of early movers and followers in the cyber market, International Journal Of Information Management, 2010
Jeong-wook Kim, Kyung Yang, Kichan Nam And Sung Kim. Finding determinants affecting distance education effectiveness in terms of learner satisfaction and application achievement, International Journal Of Web-based Learning And Teaching Technologies (ijwltt), 2010
Jongpil Cheon, Jaeki Song, Donald Jones And Kichan Nam. Influencing preservice teachers’ intention to adopt Web 2.0 services, Journal Of Digital Learning In Teacher Education, 2010
Kichan Nam And Nam Lee. Typology of service innovation from service-dominant logic perspective., J. Ucs, 2010
Kim, Y.j., Song, J., Baker, J., And Kichan Nam. Strategic IT Outsourcing Service, 2009
Jahyun Goo, Rajiv Kishore, H Rao And Kichan Nam. The role of service level agreements in relational management of information technology outsourcing: an empirical study, Mis Quarterly, 2009
Kichan Nam, Yong Kim, Myung Yim, Nam Lee And Ah Jo. Understanding the Relationship between Value Co-Creation Mechanism and Firm’s Performance based on the Service-Dominant Logic, Asia Pacific Journal Of Information Systems, 2009
Tamara Dinev, Jahyun Goo, Qing Hu And Kichan Nam. User behaviour towards protective information technologies: the role of national cultural differences, Information Systems Journal, 2009
Ki-chan Nam, Yong-jin Kim, Jung-tea Nam, Young-woo Bae, Hee-sun Byun And Nam-hee Lee. Service science: theory review and development of analytical framework, Information Systems Review, 2008
Jahyun Goo And Kichan Nam. Contract as a source of trust--commitment in successful IT outsourcing relationship: an empirical study, 2007
Chul-mo Koo And Ki-chan Nam. An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Service Level Management and its Performance, The Journal Of Information Systems, 2007
Jahyun Goo, Rajiv Kishore, Kichan Nam, H Rao And Yongil Song. An investigation of factors that influence the duration of IT outsourcing relationships, Decision Support Systems, 2007
Chulmo Koo, Jaeki Song, Yong Kim And Kichan Nam. Do e-business strategies matter? The antecedents and relationship with firm performance, Information Systems Frontiers, 2007
Jeong-wook Kim And Ki-chan Nam. Effect of Online Education on Training Effectiveness: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation, The Journal Of Society For E-business Studies, 2007
Hyochang Lim, Sang-gun Lee And Kichan Nam. Validating E-learning factors affecting training effectiveness, International Journal Of Information Management, 2007
Chul-mo Koo, Yong-jin Kim And Ki-chan Nam. Antecedents of mobile commerce satisfaction and outcomes: Empirical test, Information Systems Review, 2006
Tamara Dinev, Jahyun Goo, Qing Hu And Kichan Nam. User behavior toward preventive technologies--Cultural differences between the United States and South Korea, 2006
Chul Koo, Chang Koh And Kichan Nam. An examination of Porter's competitive strategies in electronic virtual markets: A comparison of two on-line business models, International Journal Of Electronic Commerce, 2004
Rajib Kishore, H Rao, Kichan Nam, Srinivasan Rajagopalan And Abhijit Chaudhury. A relationship perspective on IT outsourcing, 2003
James Moore, H Rao, A Whinston, Kichan Nam And Ts Raghu. Information acquisition policies for resource allocation among multiple agents, Information Systems Research, 1997
Hr Rao, Jc Moore, Kichan Nam, Ts Raghu And A Whinston. A comparison of three information gathering strategies in DAI systems under noisy conditions, Expert Systems With Applications, 1996
Kichan Nam, Srinivasan Rajagopalan, H Rao And Abhijit Chaudhury. A two-level investigation of information systems outsourcing, Communications Of The Acm, 1996
H Rao, Kichan Nam And Abhijit Chaudhury. Information systems outsourcing, Communications Of The Acm, 1996
Kichan Nam. Three essays on information systems outsourcing., 1996
Kichan Nam, Srinivasan Rajagopalan, H Rao And Abhijit Chaudhury. Dimensions of outsourcing: a transactions cost framework, 1995
Kichan Nam, Abhijit Chaudhury And H Rao. A mixed integer model of bidding strategies for outsourcing, European Journal Of Operational Research, 1995
Abhijit Chaudhury, Kichan Nam And H Rao. Management of information systems outsourcing: A bidding perspective, Journal Of Management Information Systems, 1995
Abhijit Chaudhury, Kichan Nam And H Rao. Information systems outsourcing: A mixed integer programming analysis, 1992
Conference Presentations
VR in heritage tourism: The mediating role of hedonic and utilitarian motivations with familiarity as a moderator, Kmis (korea Society Of Management Information Systems) Conference 2022, 11 June 2022
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, Virtual Reality in Tourism: An Investigation of Authenticity, Activity Type in Heritage and Non-Heritage, and Economic and Social Activities, 1 April 2022 - May 2025
Grant, The investigation of Blockchain Technology for Smart Tourism: Trend, Adoption, and Success Factors, 1 June 2019 - 31 May 2020
SCRI-Summer Research Travel Grant, AUS, 1 June 2018 - 31 August 2018
Awards and Honors
Researcher of the Year in 2019, AUS, Annual award to the faculty who made the best research performance, 18 April 2019
Best Paper Award, Lebanese Conference on Information Systems(LCIS), 27 April 2017
Best Research Paper Award, 2009, Spring Conference, The Korea Society of MIS., 12 June 2009
Distinguished Service Award, Korea Information Technology Service Industry Association, Jun. 24, 2008., 24 June 2008
Winner of the Best Paper Award (Organizational Systems and Science Track, 10 out 506 papers were awarded), 2007 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 19 January 2007
Special Award, 5th Korean Outsourcing Service Award, Korean Outsourcing Association., 12 December 2005
Best Case Paper Award, Fall Conference, The Korea Society of KMIS., 25 September 1998