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College / Department
Teaching areas
Dynamics, mechanical vibrations, dynamic systems, aircraft stability and control, engineering measurements.
Research areas
Nonlinear dynamics, modeling and simulation of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS), fluid-structure interactions, model reduction of large dynamic/energy systems, flow in porous media.
PhD, Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech, United States, 2011
MS, Computational Mechanics, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia, 2008
Bachelor, Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia, 2007
Professional experience
Research Scientist, Schlumberger, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2013 - 2016
Postdoctoral Researcher, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, 2012 - 2013
Research Assistant, Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States, 2009 - 2011
Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States, 2008 - 2008
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, International
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), February 2015 - January 2016
International Society for Porous Media (INTERPORE), January 2013 - January 2014
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), January 2009 - December 2011
+971 6 515 4933
Dr. Mehdi Ghommem
Associate Professor
PhD, Virginia Tech, United States
Mehdi Ghommem worked as a research scientist with Schlumberger for three years. He was involved in conducting and supporting research projects along with recommending scientific approaches, novel concepts and technical solutions to monitor and control well stimulation operations. Prior to joining Schlumberger, he had a postdoctoral experience in the Center for Numerical Porous Media at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. His research interests include nonlinear dynamics, model reduction of large dynamical/energy systems, and flow in porous media. Dr. Ghommem has published about 50 refereed journal papers and holds a couple of patents.
Arshad Mehmood, Imran Akhtar, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj And Ali Nayfeh. Three Dimensional Effects on the Frequency Response Curve for the Inline Vibrating Cylinder
Ehab Basta, Samir Emam And Mehdi Ghommem. Metamaterial-based vibration suppression of beams, 2024
Mehdi Ghommem, Fehmi Najar, Vincent Walter And Najib Kacem. Modeling and Experimental Verification of Coupled Beam Arrays for Mass Sensing, May 2024
Fehmi Najar, Mehdi Ghommem, Mohamed Hemid, Vincent Walter And Najib Kacem. Differential capacitive mass sensing based on mode localization in coupled microbeam arrays, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing
Mohamed Hemid, Basil Alattar, Mehdi Ghommem, Rana Sabouni, Alaaeldin Elhady, Yasser Shama, Mohamed Arab And Eihab Abdel-rahman. Development of MEMS Gas Sensors Equipped with Metal Organic Framework, Sensors And Actuators: A. Physical
Aya Elgazar, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. MOF-based composites for rapid and sensitive virus detection: current status and future prospective, Chembioeng Reviews, February 2024
Aya Elgazar, Rana Sabouni, Mehdi Ghommem And Amin Majdalawieh. Microwave Synthesized Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) As Detector Material of COVID-19 RNA, 13 February 2024
Basil Alattar, Mehdi Ghommem And Mohamed Hemid. Low Pressure MEMS Sensor: Analysis and Experimental Demonstration, December 2023
Basil Alattar, Mehdi Ghommem And Vladimir Puzyrev. Deep Learning for Nonlinear Characterization of Electrostatic Vibrating Beam MEMS, International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos, December 2023
Mehdi Ghommem, Basil Alattar, Alaaeldin Elhady, Fehmi Najar And Eihab Abdel-rahman. Tracking of bifurcations and hysteresis in electrostatically actuated resonators by motion-induced current, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing, December 2023
Basil Alattar And Mehdi Ghommem. Exploiting nonlinearities of electrostatic MEMS resonators for tunable low pressure sensing, International Journal Of Applied Mechanics
Mehdi Ghommem, Mohamed Hemid, Rana Sabouni, Basil Alattar, Ahmed Elhady, Y. Shama And Ehab Abdel-rahman. ZIF-8 coated flexible carbon cloth substrates for CO2 sensing applications, Applied Surface Science Advances, 16 November 2023
Parham Pour, Mehdi Ghommem And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Modeling and Design Enhancement of Electrothermal Actuators for Microgripping Applications, Applied Sciences, September 2023
Samir Emam, Mehdi Ghommem And Ehab Basta. Nonlinear vibration suppression of rotating blades via metamaterial concept, August 2023
Mehdi Ghommem, Basil Alattar, Michael Lherbette, Alaaeldin Elhedy And Eihab Abdel-rahman. Motion measurement methods for nonlinear analysis of electrostatic mems resonators, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2023
Abdollah Karami, Reem Shomal, Rana Sabouni, Sana Murtaza And Mehdi Ghommem. Photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac using hybrid MIL-53(Al)@TiO2 and MIL-53(Al)@ZnO catalysts, Canadian Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 1 May 2023
M. Serrano, K. Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem, S. Tretiak And A. Abdelkefi. Broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting microgyroscopes: Design and nonlinear analysis, European Journal Of Mechanics, A/solids, 1 March 2023
Mohamed Ben Hassena, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdulrahman Aly, Mohammad Hamdan And Fehmi Najar. Design and performance analysis of a novel displacement-based temperature sensor, Technisches Messen, 1 February 2023
Sana Murtaza, Hind Alqassem, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Degradation of micropollutants by metal organic framework composite-based catalysts: A review, Environmental Technology And Innovation, 1 February 2023
Lubna Mahmood, Mehdi Ghommem And Zied Bahroun. Smart Gas Sensors: Materials, Technologies, Practical Applications, and Use of Machine Learning – A Review, Journal Of Applied And Computational Mechanics, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2023
Shamma Alasad, Rana Sabouni, Mehdi Ghommem And Abdulhai Alami. Development of Substrates Coated with Metal-Organic Framework for gas sensing applications, 2022
Mehdi Ghommem, Vladimir Puzyrev, Rana Sabouni And Fehmi Najar. Deep learning for gas sensing using MOFs coated weakly-coupled, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022
Sana Murtaza, Reem Shomal, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Facile metal organic framework composites as photocatalysts for lone/simultaneous photodegradation of naproxen, ibuprofen and methyl orange, Environmental Technology \& Innovation, 2022
Abdullah Hawili, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdul Alami, Shamma Alasad, Mehmet Egilmez And Wael Zaid. Utilizing aluminum sheets with FeCu deposits as cheap water cleaning electrodes, Applied Surface Science Advances, 2022
Fehmi Najar, Mehdi Ghommem, Samed Kocer, Alaa Elhady And Eihab Abdel-rahman. Detection Methods for Multi-Modal Inertial Gas Sensors, Sensors, 1 December 2022
Moustafa Sayed Ahmed, Mehdi Ghommem And Shima Shahab. Mode couplings in multiplex electromechanical structures, Journal Of Applied Physics, 28 September 2022
Hamayun Farooq, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Khalid And Imran Akhtar. Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic performance of flapping foils for energy harvesting, Ocean Engineering, 15 September 2022
Sana Murtaza, Reem Shomal, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Facile metal organic framework composites as photocatalysts for lone/simultaneous photodegradation of naproxen, ibuprofen and methyl orange, Environmental Technology And Innovation, 1 August 2022
Toky Rabenimanana, Fehmi Najar, Mehdi Ghommem, Vincent Walter And Najib Kacem. On the equivalence between mass perturbation and DC voltage bias in coupled MEMS resonators: Theoretical and experimental investigation, Journal Of Applied Physics, 14 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2022
Lubna Mahmood, Zied Bahroun, Mehdi Ghommem And Hussam Alshraideh. Assessment and performance analysis of machine learning techniques for gas sensing e-nose systems, Facta Universitatis Series: Mechanical Engineering, May 2022
Ethan Billingsley, Mehdi Ghommem, Riu Vasconcellos And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Unsteady aerodynamic analysis and effectiveness of bio-inspired flapping wings in V-formation flight, Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal Of Aerospace Engineering
Abdullah Hawili, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdul Alami, Shamma Alasad, Mehmet Egilmez And Wael Zaid. Utilizing aluminum sheets with FeCu deposits as cheap water cleaning electrodes, Applied Surface Science Advances, 1 February 2022
Mohamad Omari, Mehdi Ghommem, Lotfi Romdhne And Muhammad Hajj. Performance analysis of bio-inspired transformable robotic fish tail, Ocean Engineering, 15 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
B. Eltaher, Rana Sabouni, Mehdi Ghommem And A. Alami. A comparative study of metal–organic frameworks for mercury detection in competitive aqueous environment, International Journal Of Environmental Science And Technology, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
Ehab Basta, Mehdi Ghommem And Samir Emam. Flutter control and mitigation of limit cycle oscillations in aircraft wings using distributed vibration absorbers, Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 November 2021
Ethan Billingsley, Mehdi Ghommem, Rui Vasconcellos And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. On the aerodynamic analysis and conceptual design of bioinspired multi-flapping-wing drones, Drones, 1 September 2021
Ethan Billingsley, Mehdi Ghommem, Rui Vasconcellos And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Role of active morphing in the aerodynamic performance of flapping wings in formation flight, Drones, 1 September 2021
Ehab Basta, Mehdi Ghommem, Lotfi Romdhne And Muhammad Hajj. Hybrid tail excitation for robotic fish: Modeling and performance analysis, Ocean Engineering, 15 August 2021
K. Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem, A. Hunter And A. Abdelkefi. Crack severity and size dependent effects on the effectiveness and operability of micro/nanogyroscopes, International Journal Of Solids And Structures, 1 May 2021
Mehdi Ghommem, Vladimir Puzyrev And Fehmi Najar. Deep learning for simultaneous measurements of pressure and temperature using arch resonators, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 1 May 2021
F. Najar, Mehdi Ghommem And E. Abdel-rahman. Arch microbeam bifurcation gas sensors, Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2021
Faiz Basheer, Elmehaisi Mehaisi, Ahmed Elsergany, Ahmed Elsheikh, Mehdi Ghommem And Fehmi Najar. Energy harvesters for rotating systems: Modeling and performance analysis, Technisches Messen, 26 March 2021
Abdul Alami, Abdullah Hawili, Mohammad Fadel, Feras Zwayyed, Tarek Barbarji And Mehdi Ghommem. Technical feasibility of a pneumatically driven vehicle, Science Of The Total Environment, 25 February 2021
Ethan Billingsley, Mehdi Ghommem, Rui Vasconcellos And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Biomimicry and aerodynamic performance of multi-flapping wing drones, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
Ethan Billingsley, Mehdi Ghommem, Rui Vasconcellos And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Optimal aerodynamic design of multi-flapping wing vehicles with morphing capabilities, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
K. Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem, M. Serrano And A. Abdelkefi. A review on vibrating beam-based micro/nano-gyroscopes, Microsystem Technologies, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
Muhannad Alkaddour, Mehdi Ghommem And Fehmi Najar. Nonlinear analysis and effectiveness of weakly coupled microbeams for mass sensing applications, Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
K. Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem, A. Hunter And A. Abdelkefi. Nonlinear modeling and performance analysis of cracked beam microgyroscopes, International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences, 15 December 2020
Mehdi Ghommem, V. Puzyrev And F. Najar. Fluid sensing using microcantilevers: From physics-based modeling to deep learning, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 1 December 2020
Bassam El Taher, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Luminescent metal organic framework for selective detection of mercury in aqueous media: Microwave-based synthesis and evaluation, Colloids And Surfaces A: Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, 25 August 2020
Mehdi Ghommem, Fehmi Najar, Mohamed Arabi, Eihab Abdel-rahman And Mustafa Yavuz. A unified model for electrostatic sensors in fluid media, Nonlinear Dynamics, 8 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2020
Ehab Basta, Mehdi Ghommem And Samir Emam. Vibration suppression of nonlinear rotating metamaterial beams, Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2020
Ehab Basta, Mehdi Ghommem And Samir Emam. Vibration suppression and optimization of conserved-mass metamaterial beam, International Journal Of Non-linear Mechanics, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2020
Abdollah Karami, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Experimental investigation of competitive co-adsorption of naproxen and diclofenac from water by an aluminum-based metal-organic framework, Molecular Liquids, March 2020
F Najar, Mehdi Ghommem And A Abdelkefi. A double-side electrically-actuated arch microbeam for pressure sensing applications, International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences, 17 March 2020
K. Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem, A. Hunter And A. Abdelkefi. Nonlinear size dependent analysis and effectiveness of nanocrystalline micro/nanogyroscopes, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems And Nanostructures, 1 March 2020
Mehdi Ghommem, George Bourantas, Adam Wittek, Karol Miller And Muhammad Hajj. Hydrodynamic modeling and performance analysis of bio-inspired swimming, Ocean Engineering, 1 February 2020
Mohamed Gadalla, Mehdi Ghommem, George Bourantas And Karol Miller. Modeling and thermal analysis of a moving spacecraft subject to solar radiation effect, Processes, 1 November 2019
Mehdi Ghommem, Mustapha Abbad, Gallyam Aidagulov, Steve Dyer And Dominic Brady. Modeling of fiber bridging in fluid flow for well stimulation applications, Petroleum Science, 23 September 2019
Mehdi Ghommem And Cindy Gunn. Towards better learning opportunities for undergraduate mechanical engineering students: a case study, International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Education
Mehdi Ghommem, Mostafa Hassanalian, Majed Al-marzooqi, Glen Throneberry And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Sizing process, aerodynamic analysis, and experimental assessment of a biplane flapping wing nano air vehicle, Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal Of Aerospace Engineering, 28 May 2019
Fehmi Najar, Mehdi Ghommem And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Multifidelity modeling and comparative analysis of electrically coupled microbeams under squeeze-film damping effect, Nonlinear Dynamics, 16 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2019
M Ahmed, Mehdi Ghommem And A Abdelkefi. Nonlinear analysis and characteristics of electrically-coupled microbeams under mechanical shock, Microsystem Technologies, March 2019
Mehdi Ghommem And A. Abdelkefi. Nonlinear reduced-order modeling and effectiveness of electrically-actuated microbeams for bio-mass sensing applications, International Journal Of Mechanics And Materials In Design, 15 March 2019
Dominic Brady, Mehdi Ghommem, Xiangdong Qiu And Mustapha Abbad. Production and stimulation monitoring, February 2019
Rana Sabouni, Rana Sabouni And Mehdi Ghommem. Mercury Detection for Aquatic Farms Using Metal-Organic-Framework (MOF), 2 February 2019
Mehdi Ghommem, Glen Throneberry, Mostafa Hassanalian, Majed Al-marzooqi, Noora Al-zaabi, Badrieh Hozhabr And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Sizing and aerodynamic analysis of biplane flapping wing nano air vehicle: theory and experiments, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2019
Vladimir Puzyrev, Mehdi Ghommem And Shiv Meka. PyROM: A computational framework for reduced order modeling, Journal Of Computational Science, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2019
M Ahmed, Mehdi Ghommem And A Abdelkefi. Shock response of electrostatically coupled microbeams under the squeeze-film damping effect, Acta Mechanica, December 2018
Xiangdong Qiu, Gallyam Aidagulov, Mehdi Ghommem, Eric Edelman, Dominic Brady And Mustapha Abbad. Towards a better understanding of wormhole propagation in carbonate rocks: Linear vs. radial acid injection, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, December 2018
Daniel Garcia, Mehdi Ghommem, N Collier, Bon Varga And Vm Calo. PyFly: A fast, portable aerodynamics simulator, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics, December 2018
K Larkin, Mehdi Ghommem And A Abdelkefi. Significance of size dependent and material structure coupling on the characteristics and performance of nanocrystalline micro/nano gyroscopes, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems And Nanostructures, May 2018
Ehab Basta, Mehdi Ghommem, Lotfi Romdhne, Samir Emam And Abdessattar Abdelkefi. Design, implementation, and performance analysis of miniature wind turbine, 2 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Mehdi Ghommem, Xiangdong Qiu, Gallyam Aidagulov And Mustapha Abbad. Streaming potential measurements for downhole monitoring of reservoir fluid flows: A laboratory study, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, February 2018
Mehdi Ghommem And A. Abdelkefi. Novel design of microgyroscopes employing electrostatic actuation and resistance-change based sensing, Journal Of Sound And Vibration, 1 December 2017
Omar Al-abbasi, Abdessattar Abdelkefi And Mehdi Ghommem. Modeling and assessment of a thermochemical energy storage using salt hydrates, International Journal Of Energy Research, November 2017
Mehdi Ghommem And A. Abdelkefi. Performance analysis of differential-frequency microgyroscopes made of nanocrystalline material, International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences, 1 November 2017
Mehdi Ghommem, X. Qiu, D. Brady, S. Crary, F. Al-tajar And A. Mahjoub. Real-Time Monitoring of Matrix Acidizing by Use of Resistivity Measurements, Journal Of Petroleum Technology, June 2017
Mehdi Ghommem And D. Brady. Multifidelity Modeling and Analysis of Matrix Acidizing under Radial Flow Conditions, 2016
Christian Claudel, Khaled Salama, Calo Victor, Mehdi Ghommem, Amro Eslshurafa And Mohammad Shaqura. Method and system for estimating and predicting airflow around air vehicles, December 2015
Ali Nayfeh, Eihab Abdel-rahman And Mehdi Ghommem. A novel differential frequency micro-gyroscope, Journal Of Vibration And Control, 2015
Mehdi Ghommem, Weishu Zhao, Steve Dyer, Xiangdong Qiu And Dominic Brady. Carbonate acidizing: modeling, analysis, and characterization of wormhole formation and propagation, Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering, 2015
Mehdi Ghommem, Eduardo Gildin And Mohammadreza Ghasemi. Complexity reduction of multiphase flows in heterogeneous porous media, Spe Journal, 2015
Manal Alotaibi, Victor Calo, Yalchin Efendiev, Juan Galvis And Mehdi Ghommem. Global--local nonlinear model reduction for flows in heterogeneous porous media, Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, 2015
Mehdi Ghommem, Victor Calo And Christian Claudel. Micro-cantilever flow sensor for small aircraft, Journal Of Vibration And Control, 2015
Ll Brown, Jun Li, Victor Calo, Mehdi Ghommem And Yalchin Efendiev. Lattice Boltzmann flow simulations with applications of reduced order modeling techniques, 2014
Mohamed Abdelkader, Mohammad Shaqura, Mehdi Ghommem, Nathan Collier, Victor Calo And Christian Claudel. Optimal multi-agent path planning for fast inverse modeling in UAV-based flood sensing applications, 2014
D Brown, J Li, Mehdi Ghommem And V Calo. Upscaling of lattice boltzmann simulations in heterogeneous media and related reduced order modelling techniques, Mathematical Modeling Of Flow And Transport In Porous Media, 2014
Mohamed Abdelkader, Mohammad Shaqura, Mehdi Ghommem, Nathan Collier, Victor Calo And Christian Claudel. WiP abstract: Optimal multi-agent path planning for fast inverse modeling in UAV-based flood sensing applications, 2014
Mehdi Ghommem, Daniel Garcia And Victor Calo. Enclosure enhancement of flight performance, Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014
Mehdi Ghommem, Victor Calo And Yalchin Efendiev. Mode decomposition methods for flows in high-contrast porous media. A global approach, Journal Of Computational Physics, 2014
Victor Calo, Yalchin Efendiev, Juan Galvis And Mehdi Ghommem. Multiscale empirical interpolation for solving nonlinear PDEs, Journal Of Computational Physics, 2014
Abdessattar Abdelkefi, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdullah Nuhait And Mr Hajj. Nonlinear analysis and enhancement of wing-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters, Journal Of Sound And Vibration, 2014
Mehdi Ghommem, Nathan Collier, Antti Niemi And Victor Calo. On the shape optimization of flapping wings and their performance analysis, Aerospace Science And Technology, 2014
George Bourantas, Mehdi Ghommem, George Kagadis, Konstantinos Katsanos, Vassilis Loukopoulos, Vasilis Burganos And George Nikiforidis. Real-time tumor ablation simulation based on the dynamic mode decomposition method, Medical Physics, 2014
Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj, Philip Beran And Ishwar Puri. Role of wing morphing in thrust generation, Theoretical And Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014
Mehdi Ghommem And Victor Calo. Performance Analysis of Flapping Wings in Formation Flights, 2013
Mehdi Ghommem, Nathan Collier And Victor Calo. PyFly: Fast, friendly framework for aerodynamic simulation, 2013
Mehdi Ghommem, Imran Akhtar And Muhammad Hajj. A low-dimensional tool for predicting force decomposition coefficients for varying inflow conditions, Progress In Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal, 2013
Mehdi Ghommem, Mr Hajj, Dean Mook, Bret Stanford, B\'eran, Philip S And Layne Watson. Global-local optimization of flapping kinematics in hovering flight, International Journal Of Micro Air Vehicles, 2013
Mehdi Ghommem, Michael Presho, Victor Calo And Yalchin Efendiev. Mode decomposition methods for flows in high-contrast porous media. Global--local approach, Journal Of Computational Physics, 2013
Mehdi Ghommem, Ali Nayfeh And Slim Choura. Model reduction and analysis of a vibrating beam microgyroscope, Journal Of Vibration And Control, 2013
Abdessattar Abdelkefi And Mehdi Ghommem. Model reduction of nonlinear aeroelastic systems experiencing Hopf bifurcation, Journal Of Modeling, Simulation, Identification, And Control, 2013
Ah Niemi, Nathan Collier, L Dalcin, Mehdi Ghommem And Victor Calo. Isogeometric shell formulation based on a classical shell model, 2012
Abdessattar Abdelkefi, Muhammad Hajj, Mehdi Ghommem And Abdullah Nuhait. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from an oscillating wing, 2012
Youssef Bichiou, Mehdi Ghommem, Abdullah Nuhait And Muhammad Hajj. Sensitivity to Gust Parameters and Control of Aerodynamic Loads on a Rotating Blade, 2012
Mehdi Ghommem, Nathan Collier, Ah Niemi And Victor Calo. Shape optimization and performance analysis of flapping wings, 2012
Mehdi Ghommem, A Abdelkefi, Ao Nuhait And Mr Hajj. Aeroelastic analysis and nonlinear dynamics of an elastically mounted wing, Journal Of Sound And Vibration, 2012
Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj, Dean Mook, Bret Stanford, Philip Beran, Richard Snyder And Layne Watson. Global optimization of actively morphing flapping wings, Journal Of Fluids And Structures, 2012
Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj And Ishwar Puri. Influence of natural and anthropogenic carbon dioxide sequestration on global warming, Ecological Modelling, 2012
Ali Nayfeh, Mehdi Ghommem And Muhammad Hajj. Normal form representation of the aeroelastic response of the Goland wing, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012
Mehdi Ghommem, Imran Akhtar, Arshad Mehmood And Muhammad Hajj. Low-dimensional Tool for Predicting Force Coefficients on a Circular Cylinder, 2011
Arshad Mehmood, Imran Akhtar, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj And Layne Watson. Optimization of Drag Reduction on a Cylinder Undergoing Rotary Oscillations, 2011
Imran Akhtar, Arshad Mehmood, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj And Layne Watson. Optimization of Lift Suppression over a Circular Cylinder undergoing Inline Vibrations, 2011
Andrea Mola, Mehdi Ghommem And Muhammad Hajj. Multi-physics modelling and sensitivity analysis of olympic rowing boat dynamics, Sports Engineering, 2011
Mehdi Ghommem, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Muhammad Hajj, William Wong, Jennifer Tomlin And Ishwar Puri. Release of stored thermochemical energy from dehydrated salts, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 2011
Mehdi Ghommem. Modeling and analysis for optimization of unsteady aeroelastic systems, 2011
Mehdi Ghommem, Imran Akhtar, Muhammad Hajj And Ishwar Puri. A reduced-order model for unsteady flow over circular cylinder, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj, Layne Watson, Dean Mook, Richard Snyder And Philip Beran. Deterministic global optimization of flapping wing motion for micro air vehicles, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Ali Nayfeh And Muhammad Hajj. Effects of Parameter Uncertainties on the Response of an Aeroelastic System, 2010
Andrea Mola, Mehdi Ghommem And Muhammad Hajj. Sensitivity Analysis of the Performance of Olympic Rowing Boats, 2010
Ganesh Balasubramanian, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj, William Wong, Jennifer Tomlin And Ishwar Puri. Thermochemical Energy Storage Using Salt Hydrates, 2010
Yasser Aboelkassem, Ali Nayfeh And Mehdi Ghommem. Bio-mass sensor using an electrostatically actuated microcantilever in a vacuum microchannel, Microsystem Technologies, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Ali Nayfeh And Muhammad Hajj. Control of limit cycle oscillations of a two-dimensional aeroelastic system, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Ah Nayfeh, S Choura, F Najar And Em Abdel-rahman. Modeling and performance study of a beam microgyroscope, Journal Of Sound And Vibration, 2010
Ganesh Balasubramanian, Mehdi Ghommem, Muhammad Hajj, William Wong, Jennifer Tomlin And Ishwar Puri. Modeling of thermochemical energy storage by salt hydrates, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Mr Hajj, Cl Pettit And Ps Beran. Stochastic modeling of incident gust effects on aerodynamic lift, Journal Of Aircraft, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Mr Hajj And Ah Nayfeh. Uncertainty analysis near bifurcation of an aeroelastic system, Journal Of Sound And Vibration, 2010
Mehdi Ghommem, Imran Akhtar, Muhammad Hajj And Ishwar Puri. Modeling Gust in Model Reduction Framework, 2009
Conference Presentations
Exploiting nonlinearities of electrostatic Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) resonators for sensing applications, Engineering Seminar Series At New York University Abu Dhabi, November 2023
Nonlinear Vibration Suppression of Rotating Bladesvia Metamaterial Concept, Asme 2023 International Designengineering Technical Conferences & Computers And Information In Engineering Conference (idetc/cie2023), 20 August 2023
Designing Active Learning in a Mechanical Engineering Course, Best Practices In Teaching And Learning Conference, 5 May 2023
Genetic algorithm optimization for through-wall ultrasound power transfer systems, Active And Passive Smart Structures And Integrated Systems Xvi (2022), April 2022
Development of Substrates Coated with Metal-Organic Framework for gas sensing applications, Uae Graduate Students Research Conference (uaegsrc 2022), 24 March 2022
Characterization of electrostatic MEMS devices by motion-induced current transduction mechanism, Uaegsrc'2022, 17 March 2022
A novel multi-flapping-wing air vehicle: conceptual design and aerodynamic analysis, Aiaa Scitech 2022 Forum, January 2022
Nonlinear modeling and effective design of dual-functional piezoelectric energy harvesting microgyroscopes, Aiaa Scitech 2022 Forum, January 2022
Micro-electro-mechanical systems sensor for instantaneous detection and discrimination of hazardous gases, International Future Mining Conference 21, 8 December 2021
A novel MOF-based composite for mercury detection in marine aquaculture, Aus-environmental Day Competition February- 2020, 26 February 2020
Development and performance analysis of a novel MOF-based composite for MEMS chemical sensing application, 3rd Nyu Biomedical And Biosystems Conference, 12 January 2020
Dynamical analysis and characteristics of cracked micro/nano-gyroscopes, Asme 2019 Idetc - 31st Conference On Mechanical Vibration And Noise (vib), 20 August 2019
Modeling and performance analysis of MEMS arch resonator for pressure sensing applications, Asme 2019 Idetc - 13th International Conference On Micro- And Nanosystems (mns), 19 August 2019
On multi-fidelity modeling of squeeze film damping effect on electrically-coupled microbeams, Asme 2019 Idetc - 13th International Conference On Micro- And Nanosystems (mns), 19 August 2019
Material structure modelling and vibrational characteristic of cracked nanocrystalline gyroscopes for sensing applications, Us-africa Forum On Nanotechnology Convergence For Sustainable Energy, Water And Environment, 11 August 2019
Design and Nonlinear Analysis of a Vibrating Beam Microgyroscope, First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 24 February 2019
Modelling and Performance Study of Electrically-coupled Microbeams Subject to Shock Load for MEMS Applications, September 2018
Reduced Order Modeling in Geophysics: pyROM Open-source Framework, 80th Eage Conference And Exhibition 2018, Held In Copenhagen, Denmark., June 2018
Experimental Investigation of Radial and Linear Acid Injection into Carbonates for Well Stimulation Operations, Spe Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium And Exhibition, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, April 2018
Design, Implementation, and Performance Analysis of Miniature Wind Turbine, International Symposium On Mechanics And Its Applications - Isma'18, Sharjah, Uae, March 2018
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, Design and Development of Innovative Portable Florescence-Based Biosensing Platform for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple RNA Virus Sequences, American University of Sharjah, June 2024 - May 2026
Grant, Development and Design of Biosensor for Real-Time Detection of COVID-19 RNA Sequences, American University of Sharjah, June 2022 - May 2025
Fellowship, Assessment of fatigue behavior of piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting and sensing/actuation applications, January 2024 - March 2025
Fellowship, Energy, Water, and Sustainable Environment Research Center (EWSERC) | Theme 5: Sustainable Cities and Infrastructures, AUS - College of Engeneering, May 2024
Grant, Design and implementation of a morphing wing for UAV applications, American University of Sharjah, March 2022 - May 2023
Grant, A Novel MEMS Device for Mass Detection: Development, Experimental Characterization, and Performance Analysis, American University of Sharjah, 31 May 2021 - 31 May 2023
Grant, Portable piezoelectirc flag for wind energy harvesting, American University of Sharjah, December 2021 - December 2022
Grant, MEMS gas sensor for quality and environmental safety, Sharjah Research Academy, January 2020 - July 2022
Grant, Modeling, Design, and Implementation of a Bio-inspired Propulsion Mechanism for Underwater Vehicles, American University of Sharjah, 1 May 2019 - 31 May 2022
Grant, MEMS Gas Sensor for Quality and Safer Working Environment, January 2020 - January 2021
Grant, MEMS Device for Real-time Monitoring of Mercury Concentration in Marine Aquacultures, American University of Sharjah, January 2019 - January 2021
Grant, Energy Harvester to Power Miniature Sensors for Machine Health Monitoring, American University of Sharjah, 1 January 2020 - 31 May 2020
Grant, Design, Development, and Performance Analysis of a Smart PV-Solar Panel Syst, Sandooq Al Watan, 1 October 2018 - 30 September 2019
Grant, Computational and data-enabled engineering, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Grant, Design and implementation of portable wind turbines for low power applications, American University of Sharjah, 1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018
Grant, Design, Development, and Characterization of MEMS Chemical Sensor, Smart Cities Research Institute, 24 May 2018 - 24 May 2018
Awards and Honors
Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Award, College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah, 21 May 2024
Outstanding International Collaboration, College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah, 15 May 2023
1st Place in CEN senior design competition (sole advisor), College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah, May 2022
CEN Excellence in Research, American University of Sharjah, 11 May 2020
Second award in the 6th UAE Undergraduate Research Competition, Abu Dhabi University, Paper entitled Design, Implementation, and Performance Analysis of Bio-inspired Micro Air Vehicle, 30 April 2018
Second place in the ASET18 student poster competition held at the HCT-Dubai Men's campus in Academic City, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), The winning project is entitled "Bio-inspired flapping wing micro air vehicle"., 7 February 2018
Schlumberger Henri Doll Prize for Innovation, Schlumberger, 6 May 2014
Liviu Librescu Memorial Scholarship, Virginia Tech, 10 October 2011
The Amir Chand and Dewki Bai Batra Scholarship, Virginia Tech, 10 October 2011
Bechtel Graduate Travel Fellowship, Virginia Tech, 10 May 2010