
College / Department
Teaching areas
Supply chain management, maintenance engineering and management, production planning and inventory management, Operations Research, facilities planning, Quality Control
Research areas
Supply chain management, production planning and inventory control, risk management in product development, maintenance management
PhD, Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States, 1988
MS, Operations Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States, 1984
Other, Principal Engineer Degree ( 6 Year Program), Ecole Nationale d'ingenieurs de Tunis, 1983
Professional experience
Associate Editor, Infor: Information Systems And Operational Research Journal, Taylor & Francis, United Kingdom, 2017 - Present
Professor, American University of Sharjah (AUS), United Arab Emirates, 2016 - Present
Associate Editor, Journal Of Quality In Maintenance Engineering, Emerald Publishing, UK, United Kingdom, 1995 - Present
Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Eastern Province,, Saudi Arabia, 1999 - 2016
Associate Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Eastern Province,, Saudi Arabia, 1994 - 1999
Assistant Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Eastern Province,, Saudi Arabia, 1989 - 1994
Member, Institute of Supply Management, US, January 2009
Member, Socitey of Operations Management (APICS), US, January 2007
Member, International Institute for Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Canada, January 2005
Senior Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Atlanta, GA, US, January 2005
Member, INFORMS, Atlanta, GA, US, January 1985 - December 1995
Member, Mathematical Programming Society, US, January 1987 - December 1994
+971 6 515 4915