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College / Department
Teaching areas
Intelligent systems, Robotics, Control, Mechatronics/ Embedded control systems, Sensor fusion and Fault diagnosis.
Research areas
Intelligent systems, Robotics, Control, Mechatronics/ Embedded control systems, Sensor fusion and Fault diagnosis.
PhD, Mechanical Engineering/control And Systems, Texas A&M University, United States, 2005
MS, Mechanical Engineering/control And Systems, Texas A&M University, United States, 2002
BS, Electrical Engineering, Jordan University Of Science & Technology, 1999
Professional experience
Professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, American University of Sharjah, 2020 - Present
Associate Professor, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2014 - Present
Visiting Associate Professor, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2011 - 2014
Associate Professor, Jordan University of Sci. & Tech., Jordan, 2010 - 2011
Assistant Professor, Jordan University of Sci. & Tech., Jordan, 2005 - 2010
+971 6 515 4028
Dr. Mohammad Jaradat
PhD, Texas A&M University, United States
Mohammed Abdel Kareem Jaradat received his PhD, Texas A&M University, USA. Prior joining AUS, he as an associate professor of mechatronics at Jordan University of Science and Technology. His areas of interest are mechatronics system design, robotics, artificial intelligent systems, sensor fusion, fault diagnostics, intelligent NANO system/robotics, machine vision, and embedded control. During his integrated experience he has several research projects, prototypes, awards and publications on these areas; also he is an associate editor and reviewer for some technical journals and conferences on these areas.
Ali Wadi, Mamoun Abdel-hafez And Mohammad Jaradat. Mitigating Motion Sickness in Autonomous Vehicles for Improved Passenger Comfort, Ieee Access, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2024
Fouad Amin, Shehab Asar, Mohammad Jaradat And Mohammad Alhamaydeh. Fuzzy Logic-Controlled Magnetorheological Dampers, Proceedings Of The 15th International Conference On Vibration Problems (icovp 2023), 20 March 2024
Mohammad Garibeh, Mohammad Jaradat, Ahmad Alshorman, Mohammad Hayajneh And Ahmad Bani Younes. A Real-Time Fuzzy Motion Planning System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Dynamic 3D Environments, Applied Soft Computing, February 2024
Basit Ali, Khaled Kadri, Maen Alkhader, Wael Abuzaid, Mohammad Jaradat, Mohammed Mustafa And Mohamed Hassanien. Assessing the Feasibility of Fabricating Thermoplastic Laminates from Unidirectional Tapes in Open Mold Environments, Journal Of Manufacturing And Materials Processing, February 2024
Ahmed Khalil,, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Autonomous Control of a Hybrid Rolling and Flying Caged Drone for Leak Detection in HVAC Ducts, Ieee/asme Transactions On Mechatronics, February 2024
Muhannad Alkaddour, Mohammad Jaradat, Sara Tellab, Nidal Sherif, Muhammad Alvi, Lotfi Romdhne And Khaled Hatamleh. Novel Design of Lightweight Aerial Manipulator for Solar Panel Cleaning Applications, Ieee Access, 2023
Mohamed Shendy, Maen Alkhader, Bassam Abu-nabah, Mohammad Jaradat And Ta Venkatesh. Machine learning assisted approach to design lattice materials with prescribed band gap characteristics, European Journal Of Mechanics-a/solids, November 2023
Ahmed Khalil, Mohammad Jaradat, Shayok Mukhopadhyay And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Autonomous Control of a Hybrid Rolling & Flying Caged Drone for Leak Detection in HVAC Ducts, Ieee/asme Transactions On Mechatronics
Megan Ghaly, Rohan Mitra, Abdullah Al Rayess, Assem Ahmed, Dara Varam, Mohammad Jaradat, Michel Pasquier And Ahmed Khalil Khalil. A Hybrid Rolling and Flying Robot for Pipeline Fault Detection Using Deep Learning, 2023 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2023
Qutaiba Al-bashayreh, Ammar Kiftaro, Mahmoud Alsheikh And Mohammad Jaradat. An Intelligent Controller for an Assisted Electric Wheelchair based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, 2023 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2023
Fouad Amin, Shehab Asar, Mohammad Jaradat And Mohammad Alhamaydeh. Fuzzy-Logic-Controlled Magnetorheological Dampers, Icovp 2023: International Conference On Vibration Problems, February 2023
Ali Barakat, Mohammad Jaradat, Ahmed Elsergany And Nidal Sherif. Heading Angle Estimation using Intelligent Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles, 2023 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2023
Omar Khattab, Ahmed Yasser, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. Intelligent Adaptive RRT* Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robots, 2023 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2023
Anne Gharaibeh, Mohammad Jaradat And Lamees Kanaan. A Machine Learning Framework for Assessing Urban Growth of Cities and Suitability Analysis, Land, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2023
Fares Alkhawaja, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. Low-cost depth/IMU intelligent sensor fusion for indoor robot navigation, Robotica, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2023
Omer Abubakr, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Intelligent Optimization of Adaptive Dynamic Window Approach for Mobile Robot Motion Control Using Fuzzy Logic, Ieee, 7 November 2022
Lotfi Romdhne, Mohammad Jaradat And Zouhaier Affi. Mathematical Formulations for Robot Modelling: Serial Versus Parallel Structures, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2022
Mohammad Garibeh, Ahmad Alshorman, Mohammad Jaradat, Ahmad Bani Younes And Maysa Khaleel. Motion planning of unmanned aerial vehicles in dynamic 3D space: a potential force approach, Robotica, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2022
Samer Sarkis, Layla Khanfar, Beshoy Ghabour, Laila Zaki, Marwan Alahmed, Mohammad Jaradat, Ali Wadi And Ahmed Khalil. Novel Design of a Hybrid Drone System for Cleaning Solar Panels, 2022 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2022
Parham Pour, Khader Alsayegh And Mohammad Jaradat. Type-2 Fuzzy Adaptive PID Controller for Differential Drive Mobile Robot: A Mechatronics Approach, 2022 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2022
Ayham Alakhras, Ilham Sattar, Muhammad Alvi, Mohammed Qanbar, Mohammad Jaradat And Muhannad Alkaddour. The Design of a Lightweight Cable Aerial Manipulator with a CoG Compensation Mechanism for Construction Inspection Purposes, Applied Sciences, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
Khaled Hatamleh,, Mohammad Jaradat, Ahmad Bani Younes, Mohammad Al-shabi And Osama Abdul Hafez. Quasi-Continuous Second Order Sliding Mode Control of Revolute-Revolute Manipulator with Noisy Feedback Signals & Modelling Uncertainties, Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2021
Alexander Avdeev, Khaled Assaleh And Mohammad Jaradat. Quadrotor Attitude Dynamics Identification Based on Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network with Exogenous Inputs, Applied Artificial Intelligence, February 2021
Hussein Mohammed, Lotfi Romdhne And Mohammad Jaradat. RRT* N: an efficient approach to path planning in 3D for Static and Dynamic Environments, Advanced Robotics, February 2021
Ruba Khnouf, Mohammad Jaradat, Dina Karasneh,, Farah Al-shami, Laith Sawaqed And Borhan Aldeen Albiss. Simulation and Optimization of a Single Heater Convective PCR Chip and Its Controller for Fast Salmonella Enteritidis Detection., Ieee Sensors Journal, November 2020
Jamil Fayyad, Mohammad Jaradat, Dominique Gruyer And Homayoun Najjaran. Deep learning sensor fusion for autonomous vehicle perception and localization: A review, Sensors, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2020
Shaaban Salman, Qais Khasawneh, Mohammad Jaradat And Mansour Alramlawi. Indoor Navigation System of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot Based on Static Obstacles Avoidance, International Review Of Automatic Control (ireaco), May 2020
Mohammad Jaradat, Laith Sawaqed And Mohammad Alzgool. Optimization of PIDD2-FLC for blood glucose level using particle swarm optimization with linearly decreasing weight, Biomedical Signal Processing And Control, May 2020
Ibrahim Abuzayed, Abdul Rahman Itani, Aser Ahmed, Mohammad Alkharaz, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. Design of Lightweight Aerial Manipulator With a CoG Compensation Mechanism, 2020 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2020
Ehab Al Khatib, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Low-Cost Reduced Navigation System for Mobile Robot in Indoor/Outdoor Environments, Ieee Access, 2 February 2020
Mohammad Garibeh,, Mohammad Jaradat And Nathir Rawashdeh. A Potential Field Simulation Study for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments, June 2019
Ahmed Borik, Alif Kallangodan, Wisaam Farhat, Arwa Abougharib, Mohammad Jaradat, Shayok Mukhopadhyay And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Caged Quadrotor Drone for Inspection of Central HVAC Ducts, 2019 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), 16 May 2019
Fares Alkhawaja, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. Techniques of Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS): A Survey, 2019 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), 16 May 2019
Mohammad Al-sharman, Yahya Zweiri, Mohammad Jaradat, Raghad Al-husari, Dongming Gan And Lakmal Seneviratne. Deep-Learning-Based Neural Network Training for State Estimation Enhancement: Application to Attitude Estimation, Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement, 2 February 2019
Danial Waleed, Syed , Mustafa, Shayok Mukhopadhyay, Mamoun Abdel-hafez, Mohammad Jaradat, Kevin Rose Dias, Fahad Arif And Jawwad Ahmed. An In-Pipe Leak Detection Robot With a Neural-Network-Based Leak Verification System, Ieee Sensors Journal, 1 February 2019
Hussein Mohammed, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. RRT? N: An improved rapidly-exploring random tree approach for reduced processing times, 2018
Wasim Almasri, Mamoun Abdel-hafez And Mohammad Jaradat. Inertial Navigation System of Pipeline Inspection Gauge, Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology, 19 November 2018
Wafa Batayneh, Mohammad Jaradat And Ahmad Bataineh. Intelligent Adaptive Control for Anti-Lock Braking System, Asme 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition, 11 November 2018
Qais Khasawneh, Mohammad Jaradat, Malak Naji And Mohammad Al-azzeh. Enhancement of hard disk drive manipulator using piezoelectric actuator mechanisms, Journal Of The Brazilian Society Of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering, 1 November 2018
Mohammad Al-sharman, Murad Qasaimeh, Bara Emran, Mohammad Jaradat And Mohammad Amin Al-jarrah. Optical Flow Sensing and Its Precision Vertical Landing Applications, 4 September 2018
Mohammad Al-sharman, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. Intelligent attitude and flapping angles estimation of flybarless helicopters under near-hover conditions, Journal Of The Franklin Institute, 1 September 2018
Laith Sawaqed, Khaled Hatamleh, Mohammad Jaradat And Qais Khasawneh. Synthesis Optimization of Piezo Driven Four Bar Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm, Intelligent Automation And Soft Computing, 1 September 2018
Qais Khasawneh, Mohammad Jaradat, Mohammad Al-shabi And Hala Khalaf. Active Control of a Piezoelectric Actuated Four-Bar Mechanism Deployed in Robotics Applications, Intelligent Automation And Soft Computing, 1 June 2018
Omer Abubakr, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. A reduced cascaded fuzzy logic controller for dynamic window weights optimization, 5 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Hussein Mohammed, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. RRT∗N: An improved rapidly-exploring random tree approach for reduced processing times, 5 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Hussein Mohammed, Mohammad Jaradat And Lotfi Romdhne. RRTN: An improved rapidly-exploring random tree approach for reduced processing times, 2 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Abdulrahman Renawi, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. ROS validation for non-holonomic differential robot modeling and control: Case study: Kobuki robot trajectory tracking controller, 26 May 2017
Laith Sawaqed, Ahmad Al-ali, Khaled Hatamleh And Mohammad Jaradat. Modeling and Simulation of a Moving Robotic Arm Mounted on Wheelchair, 4 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017
Abdulrahman Renawi, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. ROS Validation for Non-holonomic Differential Robot Modeling and Control, 4 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017
Osama Abdul Hafez, Mohammad Jaradat And Khaled Hatamleh. Stable Under-Actuated Manipulator's Design For Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MM-UAV), 4 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017
Ehab Al Khatib, Wasim Al-masri, Shayok Mukhopadhyay, Mohammad Jaradat And Mamoun Abdel-hafez. A comparison of adaptive trajectory tracking controllers for wheeled mobile robots, 5 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016
Mohammad Jaradat, Mohammad Tauseef, Yousuf Altaf, Roba Saab, Hussam Adel, Nadeem Yousuf And Yousef Zurigat. A fully portable robot system for cleaning solar panels, 8 December 2015
Ehab Al Khatib, Mohammad Jaradat, Mamoun Abdel-hafez And Milad Roigari. Multiple sensor fusion for mobile robot Localization and Navigation Using the Extended Kalman Filter, 8 December 2015
Bara Emran, Muhannad Al-omari, Mamoun Abdel-hafez And Mohammad Jaradat. Hybrid Low-Cost Approach for Quadrotor Attitude Estimation, Journal Of Computational And Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 May 2015
Bara Emran, Muhannad Al-omari, Mamoun Abdel-hafez And Mohammad Jaradat. A Cascaded Approach for Quadrotor's Attitude Estimation, 31 December 2014
Kamal Saadeddin, Mamoun Abdel-hafez, Mohammad Jaradat And Mohammad Jarrah. Optimization of intelligent approach for low-cost INS/GPS navigation system, Journal Of Intelligent And Robotic Systems: Theory And Applications, 1 January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2014
Kamal Saadeddin, Mamoun Abdel-hafez, Mohammad Jaradat And Mohammad Al Jarrah. Optimization of Intelligent-Based Approach for Low-Cost INS/GPS Navigation System, 28 May 2013
Mohammad Jaradat, Mamoun Abdel-hafez, Kamal Saadeddin And Mohammad Al Jarrah. Intelligent Fault Detection and Fusion for INS/GPS Navigation System, 9 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2013
Mohammad Jaradat, Mohammad Awad And Bashar El-khasawneh. "Genetic-Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller For a DC Servomotor System, 10 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2012
Mohammad Jaradat, Muath Banisalim And Fahed Awad. Autonomous Navigation Robot for Landmine Detection Applications, 10 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2012
Mohamed Al-fandi, Mohammad Jaradat, Yousef Sardahi, Lina Al-ebbini And Maysa Khaleel. Intelligent Control of Glucose Concentration Based on an Implantable Insulin Delivery System For Type 1 Diabetes, Ieee Indexing, 6 December 2011
Conference Presentations
Design of Lightweight Aerial Manipulator With a CoG Compensation Mechanism, 2020 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2020
A Potential Field Simulation Study for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments, 2019 20th International Conference On Research And Education In Mechatronics (rem), June 2019
AI, IoT and Robots Forum, Ai, Iot And Robots Forum , Dubai, 23 April 2019
Intelligent Adaptive Control for Anti-Lock Braking System, Asme 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition, 19 November 2018
Roboto Holic see the future today, Roboto Holic See The Future Today, Jordan, August 2018
5th arab robotics conference, 5th Arab Robotics Conference, 2017
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, Design and Implementation of a Cable Robot for Movement Training of the Head-Neck Joint, Sponsored by AUS, June 2020 - May 2022
Grant, Low-cost Optimization of Visual/Inertial Navigation System for Autonomous Systems, AUS, 1 June 2019 - May 2021
Grant, Implementation of Experimental Framework for Mobile Manipulator for UAV (MM-UAV), AUS, 1 June 2018 - May 2020
Grant, Second EGA Aluminium Competition AL ROBOT, EGA Aluminium, October 2019 - March 2020
Grant, Smart Valet Parking System, American University of Sharjah
Grant, Implementation of Experimental Framework for Mobile Manipulator for UAV (MM-UAV), FRG, June 2018
Grant, Design and Fabrication of a Cable Robot for Rehabilitation, FRG-AUS, 1 June 2017 - 1 June 2018
Grant, Autonomous Aerial Drone, Sheikh Butti Al Maktoum Investments
Awards and Honors
Outstanding Interdisciplinary Research Team Award, CEN -AUS, Robotics & Autonomous Systems Research group, May 2023
2nd place in the 2nd edition of the Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport- - Local Academia Ground Vehicles Category, Dubai World Challenge 2021 Awards- RTA, October 2021
Second EGA Aluminium Competition AL ROBOT (Third Prize), EGA Aluminium, Advisors team members: Dr. Lotfi , Dr. Jaradat, Dr. Shayok, March 2020
UAE AI and Robotics for Good Awards, In-pipe Inspection Robot, AI and Robotics for Good Awards, Dubai, UAE., 18 February 2017
Arab Researchers Award 2015, in the area of Robotics and Intelligent Systems within the engineering field, Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation (AHSF), 5 November 2016
Hisham Hijjawi Award for Applied Science - in the Field of Information Technology & Communications/ Robotics & Control, Hisham Hijjawi Award for Applied Science, 31 December 2009