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Creating a Culture of Writing at AUS (November 2012)
The Department of Writing Studies and the College of Arts and Sciences presentsTerry Myers Zawacki , associate professor of English and director of George Mason University's nationally ranked Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program.
Dr. Zawacki's publications include the co-authored Engaged Writers and Dynamic Disciplines: Research on the Academic Writing Life and articles on writing centers and writing fellows, alternative discourses, writing in learning communities, feminism and composition, writing assessment, and WAC and second language writing, the latter the focus of her current research and her keynote address at the May 2010 International WAC conference. In addition, she is co-editor of Writing Across the Curriculum: A Critical Sourcebook. She serves on the editorial boards of The WAC Journal and Across the Disciplines for which she co-edited a special issue on "WAC and Second Language Writing." She also serves on the editorial board for the Digital Books series on the WAC Clearinghouse and edits the Writing Fellows pages on the Clearinghouse. She is a member of the Consultants Board of the International WAC Network and the College Composition and Communication Committee on the Globalization of Postsecondary Writing Instruction and Research. She acts as the writing-in-the-disciplines specialist for Bedford/St. Martin's Press, and, as a consultant, she has given presentations and led workshops nationally and internationally on a range of topics related to writing and teaching with writing across the disciplines.
For more information please contact [email protected]