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AUS announces establishing Ahmed Seddiqi Chair in Gulf and Middle Eastern Studies
TheAmerican University of Sharjah announced the establishment of "The AhmedSeddiqi Chair in Gulf and Middle Eastern Studies" through a generous giftof AED 15 million by Mr. Abdul Hamied Seddiqi, Vice Chairman of Ahmed Seddiqi& Sons. The announcement followed a visit to Mr. Abdul Hamied Seddiqi byAUS Chancellor Dr. Peter Heath and AUS Vice Chancellor for Development and AlumniAffairs, Dr. Nada Mourtada-Sabbah who have been discussing the need to developa focus in the scientific study of the distinctive cultural traditions of theGulf with the Seddiqi family.
Whilecountries naturally concentrate on building economic infrastructure first,creating the knowledge disciplines that relate to the Gulf, as the uniqueeastern edge of the Arab world, should closely follow in a country'sdevelopment. The Chair will anchor a wider educational and research program totrain future generations of researchers about this strategic part of the worldthrough the eyes of the Gulf.
ChancellorHeath stated, "Through the processes of globalization, many regions of theworld are rapidly undergoing unprecedented degrees of change. As AUS graduates,many future business and government leaders will now have the opportunity to bethoroughly immersed in the region's unique history, cultural ways and unfoldingpatterns." "This will help them immensely as they guide the region through manynew enterprises, though grounded in the understandings and ways of Gulfculture," he added.
Dr.Mourtada-Sabbah expressed the University's thanks and appreciation to Mr. AbdulHamied Seddiqi, for his unwavering commitment in providing state-of-the-arteducation about and for the peoples of the Gulf and for his generous support tothe University's mission "The Ahmed Seddiqi Chair in Gulf and Middle EasternStudies will further enhance the University's endeavors to remain at theforefront of Gulf studies. It will give our students the opportunity to makedeeper and more informed contributions to the community around them," shesaid.
Mr. AbdulHamied Seddiqi remarked "all of the parents of AUS students are indebt to the vision of His Highness, who has given our sons and daughters theopportunity to study at a first-rate University at home, which is also verykeen on preserving the values of the Arab culture and Gulf societies asentrusted by His Highness, the President and the Founder of the University.Students have the same or better opportunities at their doorstep, rather thanhaving to travel abroad for four or more years. Mr. Seddiqi is the fatherof two AUS alumni: Ms. Reem Seddiqi received a degreein Visual Communication in 2001, and Hind Seddiqi graduated in 2005 with adegree in Mass Communication, who has risen to the position of VicePresident of Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons, Marketing Division.
Theestablishment of the Chair adds a vital component to the education endeavors ofthe University whose design and mission was laid out by His Highness Sheikh Dr.Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah andPresident of the American University of Sharjah. His Highness has alsopublished many scholarly volumes on the history of the Gulf. In this scholarlytradition, the Chair will conduct research in Gulf and Middle Eastern Studies.He/she will organize a multifaceted program including coursework, researchprojects, annual academic conferences, and a publication series about theregion and its rich heritage.
Asthe Vice Chairman of Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons, Mr. Abdul Hamied Seddiqioversees the entire operational real-estate and marketing activities of thefamily enterprise. He is also a member of the Board Directors of Dubai Chamberof Commerce since 1997. Abdul Hamied's professional reputation, vast knowledgeof mechanical, technical and precious fine watchmaking as well as continuoussupport of the ethics and values of the watchmaking art, makes him a recognizedpersonality that promotes the foundation's culture and tradition.
Asa leading University, AUS prides itself with the high caliber of its studentsand graduates, the parents of whom continually express their profound gratitudefor the vision of High Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi,Supreme Council Member, Ruler of Sharjah and President of the AmericanUniversity of Sharjah, who has availed their sons and daughters with such highstandards.