The Student Code of Conduct, also referred as the Code, defines standards of behavior expected from AUS students, and the procedures and sanctions that will apply in case the student behavior is inconsistent with the essential values of the university. The Code is outlined in the Student Handbook.
Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, under the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), is responsible for implementing the Student Code of Conduct.
A complaint or incident report must be filed with Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution within 10 working days of the occurrence or the discovery of the alleged infraction(s). If the complainant fails to appear or provide a written statement of facts within 10 days, the complaint will be treated invalid, unless there are extenuating circumstances that prevented the respondent from complaining within 10 days.
There are four ways you can file your complaint:
No, not necessarily—only if the conflict can be mediated or resolved through an alternative method of conflict resolution
A reprimand letter is a written notice before a warning for violating the Student Code of Conduct.
A warning is an action stipulating that inappropriate behavior, if repeated, may lead to a more severe sanction. A warning could be verbal or written
The conduct board is comprised of faculty, staff and students who are trained to determine if a student is in violation of the Code of Conduct and suggest sanctions. The board also serves an advising role for the Vice Provost for Student Life and the Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution when it comes to policies and procedures.
A hearing is a conduct process where the Conduct Council Hearing Board will hear the complainant, respondent and concerned parties (including witnesses) to determine if a violation occurred in case of serious misconduct
Witnesses are questioned and their opinion is considered important in resolving the matter.
If you are found responsible for minor violations, verbal warnings, an undertaking, a reprimand or a warning will apply; however, if you are responsible for a serious violation that causes harm or impacts your own safety or that of the community, educational or administrative sanctions will apply.
This is a sanction issued to a student containing specific terms and conditions. The conduct probation period may be extended if the student violates the Code again during the conduct probation term.
Conduct records are records maintained by Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for violation of Student Code of Conduct.
Conduct records are maintained for five years.
You must contact Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution within 24 hours of receiving the notice of hearing.
If I have a housing hold, who can revoke the hold?
The Vice Provost for Student Life can revoke the hold.
You may be dismissed when you are found responsible for serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Yes. Appeals are routed to the university’s Appellate Committee that is chaired by the Provost and Chief Academic Officer.
You may appeal a decision within 10 working days of receiving the sanctions in writing.
Please refer to the Student Handbook section on parental notification.
Parental notification describes the conditions in which the University Official from Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Life will contact a parent by email, phone or a written letter to inform about a conduct action or the outcome of a hearing when a student is found responsible for violating the code.
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