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College / Department
Teaching areas
Software Engineering (COE 531, CMP/COE 420), Software Testing (CMP 454), Formal Specification Methods (CMP 451), Formal Languages (CMP 470), Discrete Mathematics (CMP 213), Programming (CMP 220, CMP 120, CMP 108), Introduction to Engineering & Computing (NGN110), Introduction to Statistical Analysis (NGN 111), Computing Fundamentals (CMP 111)
Research areas
Testing of systems modeled as timed, untimed, and extended finite state machines. Synthesis of distributed systems (Decomposition of Petri net services, Solving automata equations). Optimization with application to protocol synthesis, testing, and cloud computing.
PhD, Software Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2002
Professional experience
Visiting Researcher, Verimag Laboratory, University of Grenoble-1, France, 2007 - 2008
Product Verification Engineer, Ambrian systems Corporation (a Nortel Company), Ottawa, Canada, 1998 - 1998
Graduate Research Fellow, Toronto Lab, IBM, Ottawa, Canada, 1996 - 1997
+971 6 515 2492
Dr. Khaled El Fakih
PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada
Khaled El-Fakih worked as a graduate fellow at IBM Toronto Laboratory and as a verification engineer at a Nortel Company (Canada). He was a visiting researcher and conducted research with colleagues at Osaka U. (Japan), U. of Sheffield, U. Lancaster, King's College (UK), U. of Ottawa and CRIM (Canada), U. of Verona (Italy), Tomsk State U. and RAS (Russia), USP (Brazil), NAIST(Japan), Université Antilles-Guyane and Telecom SudParis (France), Nazarbayev U. (Kazakhstan). He spent one year's sabbatical leave at Verimag Laboratory, Université Joseph Fourier, France. He was program co-chair of ICTSS '15 and FORTE '08. His research is in testing, synthesis of components, optimization, and application of genetic algorithms.
Khaled El-fakih, Faiz Hassan, Ayman Alzaatreh, And Nina Yevtushenko. Assessing the coverage of W-based conformance testing methods over code faults, Science Of Computer Programming
Gerassimos Barlas, Khaled El-fakih, Akihito Hiromori And Hirozumi Yamaguchi. P2P-assisted distributed-server content delivery of 8k media : a dlt-based approach, Multimedia Tools Applications, 15 December 2024
Aleksandr Tvardovskii,, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Testing and incremental conformance testing of timed state machines, Science Of Computer Programming, 1 March 2024
Uraz Cengiz Turker, Robert Hierons, Khaled El-fakih, Mohammad Reza Mousavi And Ivan Yu. Tyukin. Accelerating Finite State Machine-Based Testing Using Reinforcement Learning, Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2024
Davide Bresolin, Khaled El-fakih, Tiziano Villa And Nina Yevtushenko. Equivalence checking and intersection of deterministic timed finite state machines, Formal Methods In System Design, 12 September 2021
Khaled El-fakih, Ayman Alzaatreh And Uraz Türker. Assessing test suites of extended finite state machines against model- and code-based faults, 1 November 2022
Abid Farhan, Raafat Aburukba, Assim Sagahyroon, Mohammed Elnawawy And Khaled El-fakih. Virtualizing and Scheduling FPGA Resources in Cloud Computing Datacenters, Ieee Access, September 2022
Uraz Turker, Robert Hierons, Gerassimos Barlas And Khaled El-fakih. Incomplete adaptive distinguishing sequences for non-deterministic FSMs, Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering
Khaled El-fakih, Ayman Alzaatreh And Uraz Turker. Assessing test suites of extended finite state machines against model- and code-based faults, Software Testing Verification & Reliability, 2021
Khaled El-fakih, Teruhiro Mizumoto, Keiichi Yasumoto And Teruo Higashino. Energy aware simulation and testing of smart-spaces, Information And Software Technology, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2021
Khaled El-fakih, Robert Hierons And Uraz Cengiz Turker. K-branching UIO sequences for partially specified observable non-deterministic FSMs, Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering, June 2021
Martin Lucas And Khaled El-fakih. On Distinguishing Sequences of Several Classes of Reversible Finite State Machines, 51 Ieee International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, May 2021
Khaled El-fakih And Gregor Von Bochmann. Symbolic Refinement of Extended State Machines with Applications to the Automatic Derivation of Sub-Components and Controllers, Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko And Ayat Saleh. Incremental and Heuristic Approaches for Deriving Adaptive Distinguishing Test Cases for Non-deterministic Finite-State Machines, The Computer Journal, 2019
Aleksandr Tvardovskii, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Deriving tests with guaranteed fault coverage for finite state machines with timeouts, Ifip International Conference On Testing Software And Systems-springer, 2018
Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko And Natalia Kushik. Adaptive distinguishing test cases of nondeterministic finite state machines: test case derivation and length estimation, Formal Aspects Of Computing, 2018
Huda Ibrahim, Raafat Aburukba And Khaled El-fakih. An integer linear programming model and adaptive genetic algorithm approach to minimize energy consumption of cloud computing data centers, Computers \& Electrical Engineering, 2018
Khaled El-fakih, Gerassimos Barlas, Mustafa Ali And Nina Yevtushenko. Parallel algorithms for reducing derivation time of distinguishing experiments for nondeterministic finite state machines, International Journal Of Parallel Emergent And Distributed Systems, 2018
Emad Badawi, Khaled El-fakih And Gerassimos Barlas. GPU and Multiprocessing Parallel Implementations for the Elimination of Finite State Machine Mutants, 2018 Ieee 18th International Conference On Software Quality, Reliability And Security Companion (qrs-c), July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2018
Huda Ibrahim, Raafat Aburukba And Khaled El-fakih. An Integer Linear Programming model and Adaptive Genetic Algorithm approach to minimize energy consumption of Cloud computing data centers, Computers And Electrical Engineering, 1 April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2018
Abdul Haddad, Khaled El-fakih And Gerassimos Barlas. Parallel Implementation for Deriving Preset Distinguishing Experiments of Nondeterministic Finite State Machines, 2017 7th International Conference On Modeling, Simulation, And Applied Optimization (icmsao), 2017
Khaled El-fakih, Adenilso Simao, Noshad Jadoon And Jose Maldonado. An assessment of extended finite state machine test selection criteria, Journal Of Systems And Software, 2017
Aleksandr Tvardovskii, Khaled El-fakih, Maxim Gromov And Nina Yevtushenko. Testing timed nondeterministic finite state machines with the guaranteed fault coverage, Automatic Control And Computer Sciences, 2017
Nina Yevtushenko, Khaled El-fakih And Anton Ermakov. On-the-fly construction of adaptive checking sequences for testing deterministic implementations of nondeterministic specifications, Ifip International Conference On Testing Software And Systems-springer, 2016
Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Marius Bozga And Saddek Bensalem. Distinguishing extended finite state machine configurations using predicate abstraction, Journal Of Software Engineering Research And Development, 2016
Khaled El-fakih, Abdul Haddad, Nassima Aleb And Nina Yevtushenko. Heuristics for deriving distinguishing experiments of nondeterministic finite state machines, Applied Soft Computing, 2016
Natalia Kushik, Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko And Ana Cavalli. On adaptive experiments for nondeterministic finite state machines, International Journal On Software Tools For Technology Transfer, 2016
Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Test translation for embedded finite state machine components, 2016
Nina Yevtushenko, Khaled El-fakih, Tiziano Villa And Jie-hong Jiang. Deriving compositionally deadlock-free components over synchronous automata compositions, The Computer Journal, 2015
Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko And Adenilso Simao. A practical approach for testing timed deterministic finite state machines with single clock, Science Of Computer Programming, 2014
Davide Bresolin, Khaled El-fakih, Tiziano Villa And Nina Yevtushenko. Deterministic timed finite state machines: Equivalence checking and expressive power, Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:1408.5967, 2014
Natalia Kushik, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Adaptive homing and distinguishing experiments for nondeterministic finite state machines, Ifip International Conference On Testing Software And Systems, 2013
Khaled El-fakih. Distinguishing experiments for timed nondeterministic finite state machine, Acta Cybernetica, 2013
R Dorofeeva, Nina Yevtushenko, Gv Bochmann, Ka El-fakih And Others. FSM-based testing from user defined faults adapted to incremental and mutation testing, 2012
Ka El-fakih, Rita Dorofeeva, Nv Yevtushenko And Gv Bochmann. FSM-based testing from user defined faults adapted to incremental and mutation testing, Programming And Computer Software, 2012
Natalia Kushik, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Preset and adaptive homing experiments for nondeterministic finite state machines, International Conference On Implementation And Application Of Automata - Springer, 2011
Khaled El-fakih, Roland Groz, Muhammad Irfan And Muzammil Shahbaz. Learning finite state models of observable nondeterministic systems in a testing context, 22nd Ifip International Conference On Testing Software And Systems Workshop, 2010
Rita Dorofeeva, Khaled El-fakih, Stephane Maag, Ana Cavalli And Nina Yevtushenko. FSM-based conformance testing methods: A survey annotated with experimental evaluation, Information And Software Technology, 2010
Khaled El-fakih, Anton Kolomeez, Svetlana Prokopenko And Nina Yevtushenko. Extended finite state machine based test derivation driven by user defined faults, International Conference On Software Testing, Verification, And Validation, 2008
Gerassimos Barlas And Khaled El-fakih. A GA-based movie-on-demand platform using multiple distributed servers, Multimedia Tools And Applications, 2008
Natalia Shabaldina, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Testing nondeterministic finite state machines with respect to the separability relation, 2007
Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-fakih, Gregor Bochmann And Teruo Higashino. Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications written as predicate/transition-nets, Computer Networks, 2007
Natalia Spitsyna, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Studying the separability relation between finite state machines, Software Testing, Verification And Reliability, 2007
Khaled El-fakih, Alexandre Petrenko And Nina Yevtushenko. FSM test translation through context, Ifip International Conference On Testing Of Communicating Systems, 2006
Khaled El-fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Sergey Buffalov And Gregor Bochmann. Progressive solutions to a parallel automata equation, Theoretical Computer Science, 2006
Rita Dorofeeva, Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. An improved conformance testing method, International Conference On Formal Techniques For Networked And Distributed Systems, 2005
Khaled El-fakih And Nina Yevtushenko. Fault propagation by equation solving, International Conference On Formal Techniques For Networked And Distributed Systems, 2004
Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-fakih, Gregor Von Bochmann And Teruo Higashino. Protocol synthesis and re-synthesis with optimal allocation of resources based on extended Petri nets, Distributed Computing, 2003
Khaled El-fakih, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Gregor Bochmann And T Higashino. A method and a genetic algorithm for deriving protocols for distributed applications with minimum communication cost, Proc. Pdcs99, 1999
Conference Presentations
GPU and Multiprocessing Parallel Implementations for the Elimination of Finite State Machine Mutants, Qrs Companion, July 2018
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, Characterizing Sequences for Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines, June 2022 - May 2023
Grant, Distinguishing Non-deterministic Timed Finite State Machines with Application to Security Testing of IoT Physical Threats, May 2020 - May 2021
Grant, Novel state identification sequences and parallel algorithms for reducing costs of testing from non-deterministic Finite State Machines, June 2019 - May 2021
Grant, K-Branching characterizing sequences for non-deterministic finite state machines, - April 2021
Grant, Methods and Algorithms for Distinguishing Extended Finite State Machine Configurations, - April 2021
Grant for Visiting Osaka University and NARA Institute of Technology, Japan, AUS, 17 December 2017 - 17 December 2017
Grant, Parallel Algorithms for Testing Finite State Machines, AUS, 8 June 2017 - 8 June 2017
Awards and Honors
AUS Faculty Research Grant - 2023-2024, AUS, March 2023
1-Semeter Sabbatical Leave, AUS, 2022
Faculty Research Grant, Refinement of systems modeled as extended state machines, April 2019
Research Grant 2019-2021 (130K AED, 1.75 GRA, 2 Course release), AUS, Novel state identification sequences and parallel algorithms for reducing costs of testing from non-deterministic Finite State Machines, April 2019
Research Grant 2018-2019 (70 K AED, 1 Course release), AUS, Testing of non-deterministic FSMs, May 2018
Research Excellence Award, AUS, April 2018
Faculty Research Grant 2016, FRG-16T, AUS and U. of Ottawa, Conducting a research visit to U. of Ottawa (Canada), 21 January 2016