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College / Department
Teaching areas
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Robotics; Computer Graphics, GUI Design, Human-Machine Interfaces; Programming Languages, Data Structures and Algorithms.
Research areas
Cognitive Computing and Systems, Adaptation and Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Nature-Inspired Computing, Approximate Reasoning, Decision Support, Intelligent Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Sensor Fusion, Medical Informatics, Education.
PhD, Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), France, 1989
MS, Dea In Computer Science, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), 1985
Other, Diploma Of Electrical Engineering / Control And Automation, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), 1985
Professional experience
Associate Professor, Dept. Of Computer Science & Engineering, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2009 - Present
Associate Professor, School Of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2003 - 2009
Director, Centre For Computational Intelligence, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2004 - 2008
Assistant Professor, School Of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1999 - 2002
Lecturer, School Of Applied Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1994 - 1999
Software Project Consultant, Alfa SC Ltd., Caen, France, 1993 - 1994
Researcher, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., Japan, 1991 - 1993
Research Fellow, Intelligent Machines Division, ElectroTechnical Laboratory (ETL/AIST), Japan, 1989 - 1991
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, September 2012
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, September 2005
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), May 1989
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., October 1997 - September 1999
Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ)., January 1990 - December 1994
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), October 1985 - April 1989
+971 6 515 2883
Dr. Michel Pasquier
Professor of Practice
PhD, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG), France
Michel Pasquier has 25 years' experience teaching artificial intelligence and related CS courses at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore then at AUS. Before he was a researcher for the AIST and Sanyo Electric in Tsukuba, Japan. His research interests include cognitive computing and systems, adaptation and learning, knowledge discovery, as well as nature-inspired methods for approximate reasoning and decision making. He has published, led projects and served as a consultant in application areas including intelligent robotics and transportation systems, medical diagnosis and healthcare, online learning, and financial engineering.
Donthi Sankalpa, Salam Dhou, Michel Pasquier And Assim Sagahyroon. Predicting the Spread of a Pandemic Using Machine Learning: A Case Study of COVID-19 in the UAE, Applied Sciences, May 2024
Megan Ghaly, Rohan Mitra, Abdullah Al Rayess, Assem Ahmed, Dara Varam, Mohammad Jaradat, Michel Pasquier And Ahmed Khalil Khalil. A Hybrid Rolling and Flying Robot for Pipeline Fault Detection Using Deep Learning, 2023 Advances In Science And Engineering Technology International Conferences (aset), February 2023
Zahrasadat Solatidehkordi, Jayroop Ramesh, Michel Pasquier, Assim Sagahyroon And Fadi Aloul. A Survey of Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Depression Using Smartphone Data, Ieee International Conference On Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence And Communications Technology, September 2022
Mohammed Elnawawy, Assim Sagahyroon And Michel Pasquier. Power Prediction in Register Files Using Machine Learning, Ieee Access, May 2022
Yazan Jian, Michel Pasquier, Assim Sagahyroon And Fadi Aloul. Using Machine Learning to Predict Diabetes Complications, Ieee International Conference On Bio-engineering For Smart Technologies (biosmart), January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
Mohamed Alhusin, Michel Pasquier And Gerassimos Barlas. A Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for the Dynamic Taxi Dispatch Problem, 2021 Ieee 6th International Conference On Intelligent Transportation Engineering
Yazan Jian, Michel Pasquier, Assim Sagahyroon And Fadi Aloul. A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Diabetes Complications, Healthcare, December 2021
Imran Zualkernan, Michel Pasquier, S. Shahriar, M. Towheed And S. Sujith. Using BLE beacons and Machine Learning for Personalized Customer Experience in Smart Cafés, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2020
Yomna Omar, Abdullah Tasleem, Michel Pasquier And Assim Sagahyroon. Lung Cancer Prognosis System using Data Mining Techniques, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2018
German Shein, Sankar Sathynaryanan, Assim Sagahyroon And Michel Pasquier. Sensors equipped mattress for assessing sleep apnea symptoms, 2017
Khouloud Eljil, Ghassan Qadah And Michel Pasquier. Predicting Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Patients Using Time-Sensitive Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal Of Healthcare Information Systems And Informatics, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016
Soha Ahmed, Michel Pasquier And Ghassan Qadah. Study in Conducting Sentiment Analysis on Arabic Social Media Text, Linguistica Communicatio, 2014
Ali Darwish And Michel Pasquier. Biometric identification using the dynamic features of the eyes, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Khouloud Eljil, Ghassan Qadah And Michel Pasquier. Predicting hypoglycemia in diabetic patients using data mining techniques, March 2013
Pan Ng, Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Cornelius Leondes. Structuring expert control using the integrated process supervision architecture, 2011
Haoming Huang, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Decision support system based on hierarchical co-evolutionary fuzzy approach: A case study in detecting gamma ray signals, Expert Systems With Applications, September 2011
Richard Oentaryo, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. RFCMAC: A novel reduced localized neuro-fuzzy system approach to knowledge extraction, Expert Systems With Applications, September 2011
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. Knowledge consolidation and inference in the Integrated Neuro-Cognitive Architecture, Ieee Intelligent Systems, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2011
Mahmoud Younes, Basma Almoshaigih, Michel Pasquier And Ghassan Qadah. A sign reading system for the visually impaired, February 2011
Imran Zualkernan, Michel Pasquier, Maram Jibreel, Rim Zakaria And Rawan Tayem. An adaptive learning RPG game-engine based on knowledge spaces, June 2010
Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Bernard Lim. A novel self-organizing fuzzy rule-based system for modelling traffic flow behaviour, Expert Systems With Applications, December 2009
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. A novel dual neuro-fuzzy system approach for large-scale knowledge consolidation, August 2009
Dequan Ko, Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. An adaptive history network method to improve the genetic optimization of pattern recognition systems, August 2009
Haoming Huang, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Financial market trading system with a hierarchical coevolutionary fuzzy predictive model, Ieee Transactions On Evolutionary Computation, February 2009
William Goh, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Adaptive control of infusion pump for Type-I diabetes control using a self-tuning regulator, December 2008
Tran Diem And Michel Pasquier. From operational to tactical driving: A hybrid learning approach for autonomous vehicles, December 2008
Michel Pasquier And Richard Oentaryo. Learning to drive the human way: A step towards intelligent vehicles, International Journal Of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 2008
Richard Oentaryo, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. GenSoFNN-Yager: A novel brain-inspired generic self-organizing neuro-fuzzy system realizing Yager inference, Expert Systems With Applications, November 2008
Enda Chan, Dehao Wang And Michel Pasquier. Towards intelligent self-care: Multi-sensor monitoring and neuro-fuzzy behavior modelling, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2008
Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Neha Kumar. A novel recurrent neural network-based prediction system for option trading and hedging, Applied Intelligence, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2008
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. A reduced rule-based localist network for data comprehension, June 2008
Haoming Huang, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Application of a hierarchical coevolutionary fuzzy system for financial prediction and trading, June 2008
Ken Ng, Michel Pasquier And Geok Ng. DREAM: Developmental robot-embedded artificial mind for realizing humanized interfaces, June 2008
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. Towards A Novel Integrated Neuro-Cognitive Architecture (INCA), June 2008
Wlodzislaw Duch, Richard Oentaryo, Michel Pasquier, Pei Wang, Ben Goertzel And Stan Franklin. Cognitive architectures: Where do we go from there?, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2008
Michel Pasquier. A brain-inspired approach towards developing general driving intelligence in automated vehicles, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2007
Matthew Chan, David Partouche And Michel Pasquier. An intelligent driving system for automatically anticipating and negotiating road curves, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2007
Shuo Yao, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. A foreign exchange portfolio management mechanism based on fuzzy neural networks, September 2007
Ernest Lumanpauw, Michel Pasquier And Richard Oentaryo. Generic GA-based meta-level parameter optimization for pattern recognition systems, September 2007
Haoming Huang, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. HiCEFS: A hierarchical coevolutionary approach for the dynamic generation of fuzzy system, September 2007
Ernest Lumanpauw, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. MNFS-FPM: A novel memetic neuro-fuzzy system based financial portfolio management, September 2007
David Partouche, Michel Pasquier And Anne Spalanzani. Intelligent Speed Adaptation Using a Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Controller, June 2007
Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Neha Kumar. A Novel Recurrent Neural Network Based Prediction System for Trading, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2006
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. GENSOFNN-YAGER: A Novel Hippocampus-like Learning Memory System Realizing Yager Inference, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2006
Haoming Huang, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Optimally Evolving Irregular-Shaped Membership Functions for Fuzzy Systems, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2006
Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Bernard Lim. POP-TRAFFIC: A novel fuzzy neural approach to road traffic analysis and prediction, Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, June 2006
Richard Oentaryo And Michel Pasquier. Self-trained automated parking system, December 2004
Michel Pasquier. Dreaming of humanized interfaces, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2004
Kiam Seow And Michel Pasquier. Supervising passenger land-transport systems, Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 2004
Abdul Wahab, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Autonomous parking system modelling human driving expertise, June 2004
Michel Pasquier, Weidong Lin And Irene Panggiman. Nature-inspired computing: learning from ants how to search efficiently, June 2004
Michel Pasquier. The ways of our future, February 2004
Kai Ang, Chai Quek And Michel Pasquier. POPFNN-CRI(s): Pseudo outer product based fuzzy neural network using the compositional rule of inference and singleton fuzzifier, Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man And Cybernetics, Part B (cybernetics), December 2003
Sergey Izraylit And Michel Pasquier. Knowledge-based architecture for mobile robot localization and navigation between places, September 2003
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek, Whye Tung, Dawei Chen And Tze Yep. Fuzzylot II: a novel soft computing approach to the realisation of autonomous driving manoeuvres for intelligent vehicles, December 2002
Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Cornelius Leondes. POP-TRAFFIC: A novel fuzzy-neural approach to the modelling of traffic flow analysis and prediction, 2002
Pan Ng, Chai Quek, Michel Pasquier And Cornelius Leondes. SPADES: Applying architectural patterns to the design of supervisory control systems, 2002
Whye Tung, Chai Quek And Michel Pasquier. A generic self-organizing fuzzy-neural network and its application to automated driving, September 2002
Dawei Chen, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Automating three-point turn maneuvers for autonomous vehicles, September 2002
Wilson Na And Michel Pasquier. Exploration strategies for building approximate maps in mobile robotics, September 2002
Tze Yep, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Fuzzy rule base extraction for parallel parking, September 2002
Michel Pasquier. Cooperative behaviour of autonomous robots., February 2002
Michel Pasquier, Mary Toh And Stephen Tan. Self-organising fuzzy-neural driver for intelligent cars, February 2002
Kiam Seow And Michel Pasquier. Vehicle route-sequence planning using temporal logic, Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design, Analysis And Manufacturing (aiedam), January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2002
Danwei Wang, Yeng Soh, Ming Xie, Michel Pasquier And Mun Hong. Navigation and control of a fleet of computer-aided mobile systems, November 2001
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek And Mary Toh. Fuzzylot: A novel self-organising fuzzy-neural rule-based pilot system for automated vehicles, Neural Networks, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2001
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek, Boon Tan And Stephen Chan. Opportunistic planning for a fleet of transportation robots, Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence, June 2001
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek And Tai Tan. A novel approach to expert pilot systems, February 2001
Michel Pasquier. A self-organising fuzzy-neural rule-based approach to automated driving, December 2000
Michel Pasquier And Keng Lim. Self-organising behaviours in a mobile robot system, December 2000
Kiam Seow, Michel Pasquier And Mun Hong. Precedence constraint analysis for vehicle route-sequence planning, June 2000
Michel Pasquier And Keng Lim. A realistic beam-tracing approach for range sensor modelling in robot simulation, February 2000
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek, Boon Tan And Stephen Tan. Intelligent taxi deployment system, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2000
Michel Pasquier, Mun Hong And Kiam Seow. Intelligent transportation system based on a fleet of smart vehicles, November 1999
Kiam Seow, Michel Pasquier And Mun Hong. A formal design methodology for land-transport operations, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1999
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek, Boon Tan And Chee Chau. Opportunistic planning for a fleet of transportation robots, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1999
Wang Wei And Michel Pasquier. Generating landmarks for robot motion planning, September 1999
Kiam Seow, Michel Pasquier And Mun Hong. Supervisory control of transport-operations processes, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 1999
Michel Pasquier, Chai Quek And Stephen Chan. A blackboard-based deployment system for a fleet of automated taxis, December 1998
Michel Pasquier And Lim, Li Hwa. Fuzzy World: Reactive behaviours and environment exploration strategies, December 1998
Michel Pasquier And Lim, Li Hwa. Fuzzy World: Sensor fusion and map building strategies, December 1998
Michel Pasquier And Keng Lim. A Novel Approach to Range Sensor Modelling in Robot Simulation, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 1998
Keng Lim And Michel Pasquier. Sensor modelling in robot simulation, May 1998
Michel Pasquier. A framework for the management of uncertainty in intelligent robotic systems, Australian Journal Of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 1997
Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. A generic component-based software architecture for intelligent control systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1997
Tony Thomas, Michel Pasquier And Mun Hong. Evolution of real-time obstacle avoidance behaviour for an autonomous mobile robot, September 1997
Pan Ng, Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Practical issues in integrated process supervision, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 1997
Harcharan Singh, Chai Quek And Michel Pasquier. MIPS: Multivariable integrated process supervision, May 1997
Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. Integrated supervision: a generic component-based architecture for intelligent control systems, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1996
Michel Pasquier And Chai Quek. A generic architecture for intelligent supervision with application to process control, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 1996
Chai Quek, Pan Ng, Michel Pasquier, Carlos Pinto-ferreira And Nuno Mamede. Integrated process supervision: A structured approach to expert control, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1995
Michel Pasquier And Hajime Terasaki. On motion planning in the presence of uncertainty, Journal Of The Society Of Instrumentation And Control Engineers (sice), 1993
Michel Pasquier. Research notes on robot manipulation and motion planning in the presence of uncertainty, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 1993
Michel Pasquier And Hajime Terasaki. Robot motion planning with uncertainty: Checking manipulation plans, August 1992
Michel Pasquier And Hajime Terasaki. Robot motion planning with uncertainty: Basic computational method, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 1992
Michel Pasquier And Tsutomu Hasegawa. A motion planning system for a mobile robot with manipulator, June 1991
Michel Pasquier. ARM: Autonomous robot manipulator, March 1991
Michel Pasquier And Tsutomu Hasegawa. Motion planning for a mobile robot equipped with a 6 degrees of freedom manipulator, 1990
Michel Pasquier And Hajime Terasaki. Motion planning for a mobile robot with a manipulator-arm, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1990
Michel Pasquier. Planification de trajectoires pour un robot manipulateur (Trajectory planning for a robot manipulator), January (1st Quarter/Winter) 1989
Pascal Theveneau And Michel Pasquier. A geometric modeler for an automatic robot programming system, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 1988
Christian Laugier, Jocelyne Pertin, Michel Pasquier, Pierre Puget And Pascal Theveneau. SHARP: A system for automatic robot programming of assembly robots, December 1987
Michel Pasquier. PARSEC: Programmation Automatique des Robots - Systeme d'Evitement de Collision (A collision avoidance system for automatic programming of robots), June 1987
Michel Pasquier. Modelisation 3D et representation d'objets pour la robotique (3D modeling and object representations for robotic systems), October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 1985
Conference Presentations
Autonomous robot guide based on the Loomo personal transporter, Dubai World Congress For Self-driving Transport, October 2019
Artificial Intelligence in Education, 9th Annual Education Conference, 20 November 2018
AI and the Future of Cities, 10, 958 Days - 2017 Aia Middle East Conference, 8 November 2017
The Challenge of Change: Disruptive Technology, 10, 958 Days - 2017 Aia Middle East Conference, 8 November 2017
Grants and sponsorships
Grant, CEN-URG-S24-8 Computer Vision-Based Recognition and Detection of Bullying Incidents, CEN Undergraduate Research Grant, March 2024 - December 2024
Grant, CEN-URG-F23-21 Autonomous Waste Detection Collection and Classification Robot, CEN Undergraduate Research Grant, November 2023 - May 2024
Grant, CEN-URG-S23-04 Using Machine Learning for Physiotherapy Exercise Feedback, CEN Undergraduate Research Grant, - December 2023
Grant, CEN-URG-F22-39 Implementing Smart Green Houses using IoT Devices, CEN Undergraduate Research Grant, - August 2023
Grant, Portable Software Platform for Indoor Robot Navigation, CEN Undergraduate Research Grant, February 2020 - May 2020
Grant, Early Detection of Breast Cancer from Screening Mammography using Artificial Intelligence, Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences
Grant, Decision Support System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer using Screening Mammography, American University of Sharjah
Grant, Counting white blood cells using smartphone microscopy, American University of Sharjah
Grant, Reconstituting the Brain Functions in a Micro-Physiological System, UAE Ministry of Education
Grant, Smart Valet Parking System, American University of Sharjah
Awards and Honors
Research Fellow Grant, Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 1 May 1990
Research Fellow Grant, Agency for Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 1 September 1988
PhD Research Scholarship, Research Development Agency, France, 1 June 1986