The Master of Science in Mechatronics Engineering (MSMTR) degree program is an interdisciplinary degree program offered by the College of Engineering
(CEN) that draws on the expertise of faculty from the different CEN departments.
The MSMTR degree program is committed to being an international, multidisciplinary center of excellence in synergistic applications of the latest techniques in embedded systems, precision mechanical engineering, control theory, computer science and electronics through education, research and outreach. The technological gap between developing and industriaIized nations continues to widen at an alarming rate, largely due to the lack of skilled engineers capable of integrating new technologies into existing systems and networks. The mandate of the mechatronics engineering program is to improve this situation by equipping engineers with the design, analysis and synthesis abilities to plan, implement and manage the latest technologies. The curriculum of the mechatronics program meets the region's needs both present and future-through the education of engineers and scientists.
Professional jobs considered to be in the mechatronics engineering field are grounded in the multidisciplinary aspects of electrical, mechanical, control, computer and software engineering. The unique skills of mechatronics graduates are becoming increasingly valuable to employers in a variety of areas, including modern industrial installations and systems, computer integrated manufacturing systems, maintenance diagnosis and troubleshooting, defense systems, vehicle design and manufacturing, robotics and many more.
The MSMTR degree program provides students with state-of-the-art knowledge in their areas of specialization with practical strategies for adapting that knowledge to serve the specific needs of the region. Multidisciplinary engineers are needed now more than ever to meet the demand for a flexible engineering workforce to deal with highly integrated engineering systems.
Find our program brochure here
Our master of science programs offer you the flexibility to choose one of two paths:
The MSMTR degree program at AUS is an interdisciplinary program that synergistically integrates advances in science and technology to prepare students for advanced research and applied systems engineering practices. The program hosts a research laboratory equipped with world-class resources enabling hands-on teaching and advanced research, promoting entrepreneurial initiatives to assist students in becoming competent, innovative and responsible professionals.
Graduates of the MS MTR degree program will be prepared to:
Upon graduation, an AUS MSMTR graduate should demonstrate the ability to:
What are our admission and program requirements? What courses are taught in our program? Do students need to complete a master's thesis? The links and information below provide answers to these and other questions that you may have.
In addition to meeting the university's general graduate admission requirements, applicants must hold a bachelor of science degree in engineering from an Independently accredited university recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education's Higher Education Affairs Division and by AUS. Degreed individuals In fields closely related to engineering or a quantitative science may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
For more information on program requirements and course descriptions, please check our online catalogs.
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