SP-200, Biologic Potentiostat
A sample of flexible polymer-based electrodes developed by our group
Flexible implantable electrodes to restore motor function after peripheral nerve injuries
The potentiostat/Galvanostat (Biologic-VSP-200 and EC lab. software) is a powerful and versatile equipment used in our laboratories to fully assess the electrochemical properties of flexible electrodes. In our group, the potentiostat is used to evaluate the electro-chemical performance of the developed flexible electrodes in terms of impedance, electrochemical stability (cyclic voltammetry measurements), and charge storage capacity among other parameters, thereby, giving us a full overview of the potential of the material as a future implantable electrode.
Injury to peripheral nerves that connect the central nervous system to effector muscles can result in irreversible atrophy and loss of the muscle due to lack of stimulation by nerves. Electrodes based on expensive noble metals and metal alloys have been used to stimulate muscles and prevent their atrophy during the peripheral nerve regeneration period. However, those harsh metallic electrodes suffer from limitations mainly their mechanical mismatch with the soft biological tissues.
This project aims to develop novel low-cost and flexible electrodes based on polymers for future implantable purposes including tissue stimulation and/or signal recording.
In our group at AUS, electrode fabrication, structural, electrochemical, and mechanical characterizations, stability testing, and in vitro biocompatibility of the electrodes is performed. Furthermore, surface signal measurements such as electrocardiography and electromyography using the electrodes is performed to assess their potential as signal recording electrodes.
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